Wednesday, May 27, 2015


Day 141
Today marked Alexis' last day of 1st grade! Super highlight knowing that she has had a great year!!
Day 142
Shopping with these two! I never know what they are going to beg to want! Lily thought she was so 'cool' holding that rod! :)
Day 143
Had a little pool time! Nothing better than that!! MORE swim diapers for this chick!! We are DONE with them! whoo hoo!!
Day 144
My beautiful church girls!
Doing a little modeling!! :)

Day 145
Well, it is official...Alexis is a 'redneck!' Yep, Daddy got her a pink bb gun! She LOVED it!!! They really enjoyed being out in the yard shooting!!
 Daddy really enjoyed teaching her how to do it!
 And....she is PRO! Look at that shot! Her 2nd shot ever...and she is right at the bullseye! Her next shot hit it! {I just didnt get a picture of that} She was so proud of herself! {she takes after her mom!} ;) ;) ;)
Day 146
Schooooools out for Summer!! It is Summer time!!! Oh, sweet Summer time, how we love you at the Law home! Alexis' first day of camp at the Community Center! She had a great day!
Day 147
Hump day!! With a short week this week due to Memorial Day weekend..we are getting our days confused around here! Today marked the first day with Nan. The girls enjoyed spending the day with her and going to the movies!!

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