Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Graduation moment...

Tonight was the little graduation at Kids First for the little ones that will be moving on to Kindergarten next year.

It was a really sweet and fun 'show' that all the kids put on!

Lily's little class sang 3 songs and Lily did AWESOME!

She did the motions and sang the songs! There was a part in one of the songs where she had to turn in a circle! Buddy, you talk about nailing the turn! :) She got it!

The theme for the graduation performance was a baseball theme. They had a really cute baseball stadium background that had been painted!

All the all stars in her class!
My little all star!
She did SO good! On her first song, they walked out with little umbrella hats! It was so cute!
Alexis and Carli came in support of their little sisters! Poor Callie {Carli's little sister and Lily's 'best friend' per her} cried the entire time! {She did the same thing last year too} :(

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