Sunday, May 10, 2015

Everywhere from A to Z...

Whew, we have been busy the past couple of days.

Not getting home and in bed til past our bedtimes!

We are worn out!

But, we have done a TON of fun things lately! :)

We have had a great week and weekend! PACKED full of a TON of events! And, yes, tired is the word but blessed!
Thursday, we had the girls regular dance class but it was actually at the Performing Arts Center to get ready for the recital!
Alexis and Lily did a great job practicing!!
Lily loves hanging out with her little friends! :)
Lily looked soooooooooo small up there on that big stage! :)
After dance class, we headed home and Alexis had her very first private lessons with Miss Leslie. To say both of my girls LOVE her is an understatement!! Alexis worked so hard during practice!!
Friday marked round 2 of ballet recital practice! This time....the girls had their costumes on while they practiced!!
After ballet, we headed straight to Relay For Life at Oxford High School!
It was an awesome experience to see all the cancer survivors and those still fighting and to see all the support of the loved ones who lost their battle. It was great to be apart of the event!
Alexis was announced before it began since she is Miss Relay For Life Queen!
My two queens!!
Alexis Johnson also was announced!
They had a TON of blow ups and events and tents going on! Sooo much to do!
Despite me sweating like a pig....I wanted to take a picture with the Queens!! :)
And there they all are!!
After this, we headed back to Jacksonville to watch Alexis' brother Nick play is baseball game! You talk about being on the gooooooo!!!......   :)
I have a whooooole lot more posts coming up! The fun hasnt stopped! We have Lily's very first recital to talk about, Alexis' fourth to talk about, a BIG trip to Auburn, spending time in my favorite place...AUBURN, and Mother's Day! Stay tuned! :) :)

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