Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Auburn bound for Mal's big day and Mother's day!

I had a great Mother's Day this year.

I am very thankful that I have a sweet husband who said 'today is your day' and therefore I got to have my special day!

We headed to my most favorite place on the planet!......Auburn!!

Yes, it is not typical that I would have chosen Auburn to go to on Mother's day but because a certain special girl was graduating....it helped to be the reason that we went down there!! :)

We got up and ready and headed down to be at my favorite restaurant  {Amsterdam Cafe} right when the doors opened.


We were there literally right when the doors opened only to find out that it was reservation only to have lunch there.

Should have known....it was Mother's Day and graduation day too!.....

So, change of plans! No big deal, there are a TON of other places I love too so we ate at Tazikis!

And...YUM! :)

After lunch...we did some shopping and picture taking and sight seeing {because Auburn changes every time we go down there} :)

Then it was time to head to Mallory's Pinning ceremony! She completed Nursing School!

I am SO proud of her!! She has worked so hard and I know that nursing school is sooo hard, and she did it!

It was so special to see her pinned and to celebrate her!

We decided not to stay for her graduation since it started so late and the girls were ready to not have to sit still and quiet any longer so we ended up heading home after the ceremony and of course walking around by Toomer's corner for some more pictures first!

It was a great day with my little family of four! :)

The two girls made me a mommy! I am so beyond blessed and thankful that God has chosen me to guide them and love them. I want nothing more than for me to be their biggest role model and for them to look at me as an example on how to live their life best. {No pressure on me at all} :)
I know that I am not perfect, but I hope they always know that I am trying my best and looking out for them the best I can and that I am their number 1 fan too! I love them beyond words can express!
 And this guy helped make me a mommy too! I love him more than words can express too!! :)
 Time to celebrate Mal! We are ready!!

There she is! So beautiful!!
So proud of her too!
I am so proud of Mal and Meg and just love that my girls love them so much and look up to them like they do!
She did it! She is officially in the 'real world' now! :)
LOVE my two little War Eagle girls!
I cant wait for the same picture to be made when they go to college there! :)
So cute! But boy, it was sunny and Lily was tired of taking pictures!
And, I cant leave out the fact that my little ones made me sweet cards for Mother's Day! They melt me!

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