Monday, May 18, 2015


Alexis officially has 3 days left of her 1st grade year!

Time has just flown....    really, flying!

Beginning last week, the pencils and notebooks have been put to rest and Alexis has been having nothing but fun and freedom the last past couple of school days!

She has had field day, fun day, and today was Vocabulary parade and then she still has water day too!

Today was her 2nd annual Vocabulary parade. Last year was her first year and I have to say, I wasnt too sure what it was all about!

But now that I know, it is a cute little way to help the kids know how to expand their vocabulary....hence, vocabulary parade! :)

This year Alexis chose the word 'doodle!'

She LOVED getting to draw and decorate her outfit for it!

That girl LOVES to draw and color so this word was meant for her!

My 'Doodle!'
She was SO proud of her outfit!!  She said 'Mommy, take a picture of the front and back of my outfit because it is so cool!' :)
She did a great job on it!
My two chickadees!!
If you can notice............Lily has her shoes on the wrong feet! :) She is notorious for doing that and sometimes argues with me that they are actually indeed on the correct foot! OH me!
Walking out and doing the parade!! Imani and Krisilyn were behind her.
The group walking back to complete the parade! There were some really cute ideas!!
And look at my two littles from last year's Vocabulary parade!
They were being super silly in this picture! :)
Little Miss Shimmering! :) :) :)

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