Saturday, May 2, 2015

Let's celebrate times 2!

Today was a wonderful day of family and celebrating!

Today marked Blake's 25th birthday...


Meg graduated from the University of Alabama!!

We kicked off being in T-Town by stopping at Krispy Kreme and enjoying some YUMMY doughnuts before we met up with everyone at the coliseum.
Not a chance that they were going to stop eating to smile and take a picture for, I just took a picture of them eating! :) :)
We made it! YES, that is a lot of graduates! It was hard finding Meg!!! She is in there somewhere!
While we waited on Meg to walk the stage.............. Lily showed everyone how she taught herself to make a bubble with her gum! :) :)
AND....{drum roll please}....... Meagan A. Murphy! {Lana was mad at her because she didnt spell out her full name on her application so on the screen and in the program she was Meagan A.!!} :) :) haha!!
Taking pictures with the cool new grad!!!
And, of course, I had to have a picture with the cool chick too! Especially since I came to T-Town for her! :)
And then everyone headed to Olive Garden and we snapped a picture with the birthday boy! {My goodness it is hard to get my girls to take a good picture!}

We roll into my favorite place on EARTH...Auburn next weekend to watch Mallory graduate!!! Sooo excited!!

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