Thursday, May 21, 2015

Promoted to a 2nd grader!!

It is official!

Alexis is done with her 1st grade year!!

She has done so well and just blossomed into a little lady this year!

I am SO proud of her!

She is SO proud to say that she has been promoted to the 2nd grade!!

Last day of 1st grade! Where has the time gone!?!!!!?
Look at my two big girls! It is officially Summertime now! Whoo hoo!!!
I treated these three amigos to lunch to celebrate the end of the year! They all had so much fun 'hanging out' together! :) :)
Carli, Sara Kate and Alexis

 All A's all year! Smarty for sure!!
She has changed so much from the 1st day of 1st grade to the end! She has turned into a beautiful little lady!
They look so little to me! )

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