Thursday, May 14, 2015

You wonder....

What's on my mind lately you wonder?......


Things I love right now...

I love that Lily and Alexis have the bond that they do. I just sit and stare at them half the time and just wish I had that bond with a sister like they have. Listening to their conversations together {especially when Lily is deep into the convo with her} just cracks me up and makes me smile!

I love that just yesterday, Alexis was such a sweet big sister and helped get Lily some water in a cup since she couldnt reach and when Alexis gave it to her, Lily said "Thank you Sissy" with the sweetest little voice.

I love that Aubie lets Lily do anything and everything to him. Now what I mean by that is Lily can pick him up {in weird ways} and carry him around, and he just lets her. He will curl up in her lap every.single.morning. when she wakes up and watches cartoons with her!

I love how it is getting darker later and love watching my girls explore outside and us get to enjoy being outside and biking, etc now that it is spring. Just the other day Tyler and I both took off work on a random Tuesday {just for the heck of it} and went bike riding together. It could not have been more of a perfect perfect day to ride and just be outside together. I love that Tyler and I have the bond that we do that we just enjoy being with each other! We love livin and enjoying life together!

I love how I get excited every Thursday night that Scandal comes on. Now if you dont know, we have soooo much going on that we dont hardly ever watch a show on the actual day that it aires. We always watch it a day or two later. Well..................not with Scandal! Thursday night, there better be nothing in my way when Scandal comes on! :) :)  I am VERY excited {and so is Tyler, though he wont openly admit it} about the Bachelorette coming on next week for a new season. We love to watch that the most too!
I also love that we as a family love watching Dancing with the Stars and American Idol. My girls get so into the singing and dancing! I am sooo sad though that American Idol will be cancelling come one last season. That's right, Alexis' world came crashing down when we told her and she was sad because her dream was to be on American Idol one day! Though, that will not happen, I do see her 'in lights' one day on stage somewhere! :)

I love knowing that Lily and Alexis are happy little girls! Nothing is sweeter than Lily giving me the biggest hugs and kisses before I leave every morning when I drop her off at her school and her so excited and ready to start her day and then also seeing Alexis off in the mornings during drop off car rider line. And, it never fails, every day when Alexis comes in from school, the first thing she does is tell me all about her day and how much fun she had! {And always shows me some type of artwork that she did that she just loves!} I have been told by multiple people on different occasions {and about both girls} that they are 'full of life.' For that to be said about both of them just makes me smile. I hope that they are always 'full of life!'
I love that Alexis has successfully completed her 1st grade year with flying colors! She needs to work on the 'not talking so much' category, but overall, she has done amazing and I can not wait to see her in 2nd grade!

It cracks me up how Lily is! What I mean by are two great examples! The other day...she pooped in her panties {out on the playground which is her favorite spot!!} :) Well, as they were pulling up into the drive way, Lily tells Tyler that she doesnt want to tell me about what she had done. Well, Tyler tells her that I am going to know when I see her carrying in the 'poop bag.' So, what does Lily do, she goes and hides the 'poop bag' behind Tyler's kayak and walks on in to the kitchen like nothing even happened!   Or like tonight, Miss Leslie was over and Nan had made banana nut bread. I gave Leslie a piece to take home and Lily LOVES it so she told Leslie 'You dont want that, it is yucky!' to get her to give it to her! She is such a stinker!! :)

I am excited, but nervous, that I found out I will have 18 little ones this coming up football season on the cheer squad! I am very much looking forward to my 2nd season as coach and cant wait to see these little cheerleaders shine!

Well....I know that there is more {that just isnt coming to me right now} that I am lovin right now and there are also things that I am anxious, concerned over that I wont go all into because it is nothing 'major' or 'life shattering' and therefore nothing that I need to waste time worrying about. I just always hope to remember my favorite bible verse/quote which is:

There is always always always something to be thankful for.............   :)

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