Monday, May 11, 2015

Lily's first ballet recital!

Saturday marked Lily's first ballet recital!

She did a GREAT job!

She was so precious up there as she did her routine!

She made SURE she stayed on her 'spot!' She kept looking down to make sure she was on it! :) {I think because she had it drilled in her head from her teacher Mrs. Jessica saying to her so much} :) :)

The smile on her face as she danced was just priceless!!!................PRICELESS!!

My little Lily is just so happy to be a ballerina!
She had the cutest costumes of them all! {Sorry Lex!} :)
My two ballerinas!!!
Lily did awesome! She just shined up there!
SO proud of her!!
She did a solo and it was the cutest thing I think I have EVER seen! She took off across that stage doing her little skips and jumps! LOVED it!!
Perfection on her turn! :) She is even on her toes! :) :)
And they all did it! :) Such a cute performance!
She was soooo proud of herself! That smile says it all!!!

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