Sunday, August 30, 2015


Day 235
Love seeing my girls with their friends....and having fun with them!

Day 236
My church girls! We enjoyed Effina's after church! YUM! :)

Day 237
Monday....oh Monday! Seeing these two faces is a super highlight on a typical Monday!

Day 238
Love my little Eagle! I have enjoyed being her Coach for the 2nd season!

Day 239
Top back and radio up on the way to school! It has been beautiful weather and we love to sing! SUPER highlight!

Day 240
Thursday ballet day with the cutest little ballerina I know!

Day 241
Such a great night for a football game!....makes it better that I survived working the parking lot...and the Eagles have a win!!

Day 242
Saturday work day! :) The girls spent the weekend with I got some things ready for Lily's party that is coming up!!

Saturday, August 29, 2015

The smell of football!!

The smell of football is in the air............

and I have to say..... I LOVE it!

I LOVE fall...and I LOVE football season!

I do! There is just nothing more fun that football food, football watching, and the feel of 'fall' in the air!

Jacksonville High had their first game of the season last night and it was a perfect fall night for a game!

The weather was just so nice and there was a HUGE turnout for the game and it was just FUN! :)

They played Weaver and it was a close game but the Eagles pulled it out for the win!

This coming weekend marks AUBURN football and Alexis' first game!

Cant wait!!!!............

Since Nan picked up Lily for the day.... this Screaming Eagle and I enjoyed breakfast at McDonald's before school! She is SO excited to be a Screaming Eagle this year! She gets to go to the pep rally's at the high school! She went to her first one yesterday and said that it was SO much fun!!
Going to eat before school on football Friday's brought back memories of high school to me! I have a lot of memories of hanging out at McDonald's  {though McDonald's was more of an after the football games hang out spot at night}, the Chevron gas station parking lot{where we are in this picture} and Hardee's before games on Fridays and before school started!
All the local schools....Alexandria, Wellborn, Weaver, etc would meet up on Fridays! If you were 'somebody' were there! ha!
Oh the memories! Great times!! :) :)
Game time! The Screaming Eagles were introduced on the field before the game started! Love my little Screaming Eagle!
Love my little Gamecock cheerleader too!!
You have to wait in line forever to get a Kona Ice while at a football game thanks to Gran! Caroline and Alexis enjoyed walking around with other friends during the game! Fun memories!
Ahhh....Friday night lights!!!

Saturday, August 22, 2015

Girls' day!

The girls have been waiting for this day for a week now!

Starting at 6:00am........yep, that early.........both girls just could not wait for their friends to come over and play!

It felt like every 10 minutes one....if not both girls....would ask me how much longer....when are they coming...why are they not here yet???....

Finally....they all came over!

And yes, call me crazy....but I had the whole crew over at once...  Why not let them have some fun together before football season starts and fall happens and everyone gets even more super busy! :)

The girls all had a blast playing outside, playing 'spa', playing in the basement, singing in their band 'The Dreams', doing fashion shows, playing with the American girls, eating pizza, eating popsicles, etc!

Whew, Im tired too!..... :) :)

The 'littles' as they became called today!
Callie and Lily had fun playing with each other until both of them decided they wanted to play with the 'big girls' to which the big girls didnt really want them to play with them!....
Finally the 'big girls' let them! :) :)
The 'big girls!' Raybon, Alexis, Carli and Sara Kate. They had fun together 'hanging out' so they said! :)
Enjoying a picnic of pizza for lunch!!....and having girl talk!!
Playing outside and eating popsicles!
Jumping and eating popsicles. Lily was upset right when I took this picture because she dropped some of hers! She is pointing to what she dropped! ha!
'Spa' time! OOOHHHHH me!!....these girls were cracking me up spraying each other and painting each others nails and mixing lotion and water to make perfect hand concoctions! Sara Kate was enjoying a 'hand concoction' during this picture! haha!!


Day 223
Alexis had 'meet the teacher' night this night to meet Mrs. Nelson! I love seeing her sooo excited to begin a new year of school!!

Day 224
 Last day of 'summer!!' School started the next day!

Day 225
Walking her into 2nd grade! Bittersweet!!

Day 226
Ahh....enjoying this view as I relaxed the night away on Tyler and my cruise! 
Day 227
Fancy dinner with this guy!! :)

Day 228
I LOVE this!!! While Tyler and I were shopping in Cozumel.....this mexican guy asked me to come over to him and he said he wanted to make me something because I was so pretty. Well, he painted this little canvas board with just his fingers! It is so beautiful and he is so talented. This picture doesnt do it justice. I put it in my office and just think about how nice he was to make this for me!
Day 229
Another fancy dinner night! We enjoyed the food and the other couples that we met while enjoying the dinners that lived in other states!
Day 230
Seeing this chick...and the other little chick when we got home! They both LOVED the gifts we brought home for them...especially Alexis! :)
And...we got home just in time for Alexis to start her 2nd year of piano lessons! She loves Miss Bekah and I love to see her enjoying learning to play!
Day 231
And...then on to cheer practice! We have a ways to go with the routine....but I am sooo proud of how far this group of girls have come so far! Their hardwork is paying off and we have mastered one of our pyramids already!!
Day 232
HUMP day!!....highlight is always hump day! :)
Day 233
Ballet Thursdays have begun! I didnt get a picture of Lily because she had already headed in to class before I could get my camera out! ha!
Day 234
I LOVE this! Most nights....I have to search for Aubie because no matter how hard I try...he always sneaks into one of the girls' rooms! He mostly sneaks and loves to be in Lily's room! 99% of the time when I cant find him....he is in there! Well, this night....before I went to bed, I had to find him {because he is so sneaky that I am always worried that he is somewhere that he can not get when Alexis shuts her closet door with him in there because she doesnt know because he ran in there when no one was looking!!}..................well, this night.................yet again, he was a curled up with Lily as she slept! Melted my heart!!

Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Look what came across...someone famous!

Found this little gem with someone we know on it!

This spot is now JACKS in Piedmont!....

Guess who is sitting on that car?!?....
Why none other than....Miss Peggy Jackson! Mrs. Peggy Law!

Wordless Wednesday!

Monday, August 17, 2015

Crusin as the new school year rolls on by

It has felt weird to be on vacation as the rest of reality has been going right on by!

Alexis and Lily have still had school and they had their first dance class as Tyler and I cruised ourselves on to Cozumel!!

We had a great trip celebrating our 10 year anniversary!

It was funny because at the beginning of the trip I was thinking how 'relaxed' I was going to be without the girls and that I wouldnt have to do a thing on the trip but what I wanted to do. Yet....the whole trip....everything I said was...'Alexis would love this'.....'Lily would love this!'.....'The girls would think this is soooo fun' and so on and so on!

Everything I did, I wished they were there doing with us! It would have made it alot more fun...and somewhat meaningful!

Now dont get me wrong...Tyler and I did enjoy quality time together...and it is nice to get to do that every now and then!

Meanwhile at home....Nan and Pawpaw took real good care of the girls. They got them to school and took them to dance class for us.

The girls had a great time and it is nice to know that they were in good hands!

This afternoon marks 'back to reality!'

We picked the girls up from school and had dinner and Alexis had her first piano lessons with Miss Bekah. She has started back lessons and is sooo excited! I love to see that she is happy to learn to play!
 Daddy got to walk Alexis in on her 2nd day of 2nd grade since we left for the cruise after we dropped her off! So sweet!! :)
Ahh....this was our view the rest of the afternoon! The picture doesnt do it justice!...the weather was perfect and the view from our chairs with the ocean out front! SO nice!
Love the ship all lit up! We enjoyed just relaxing and people watching! People watching is a hobby of ours! haha!
Meanwhile....these two started dance! The will be Lily's 2nd year of ballet!!! :)
My little ballerinas!!

 Day 2!!! This was just a sea day! They had a 'hairy chest/man' contest! SOOOO funny!!!

 Dinner time!! We got fancy! :)
 Meanwhile....these two had their last day of school for their first week! It's Friday! :)
 Saturday and we made it to Cozumel! Our ship is HUGE compared to us!!
 We hung out on this mini beach and it was sooo nice and I could have sat there all day long!
 Tyler enjoyed fish tacos and THIS salsa!! I couldnt feel my mouth and Tyler made the comment...'Oh, its not that bad'....then he ate a couple more bites and then said, 'Yeah, I cant feel my mouth!'
 Yep, this spot was fabulous!!
 I looked up and this was my view! The breeze was wonderful...the shade was fantastic and the sound of the ocean was soooo relaxing!
 Dinner again with this guy!
 We enjoyed our meals! Tyler always likes to try several different plates and see what he likes best! We had a couple from Louisiana and a couple from Missouri. The couple from Missouri was our age and they were really fun to talk with. It was neat to see their perspective on things being from a different state, etc!!
Meanwhile, the girls enjoyed shopping and then meeting Brandi's new cat 'Drew' day/night. I didnt take any pictures except this one I realized! We had a very low key day. It was a sea day again and we enjoyed the pool and then came in and watched movies just when a bad thunderstorm hit!
 Meanwhile...these two enjoyed church with Nan and Pawpaw!
 And today!...back to reality!! We are home now and BOY, I am feeling the ship! I am rocking!! I dont remember feeling the 'aftermath' before when I have been on cruises...but this time...I am feeling it! 
Meanwhile, these two had Monday school!!....and now we are all home and curled up getting ready to conquer the rest of the week!!