Monday, August 17, 2015

Crusin as the new school year rolls on by

It has felt weird to be on vacation as the rest of reality has been going right on by!

Alexis and Lily have still had school and they had their first dance class as Tyler and I cruised ourselves on to Cozumel!!

We had a great trip celebrating our 10 year anniversary!

It was funny because at the beginning of the trip I was thinking how 'relaxed' I was going to be without the girls and that I wouldnt have to do a thing on the trip but what I wanted to do. Yet....the whole trip....everything I said was...'Alexis would love this'.....'Lily would love this!'.....'The girls would think this is soooo fun' and so on and so on!

Everything I did, I wished they were there doing with us! It would have made it alot more fun...and somewhat meaningful!

Now dont get me wrong...Tyler and I did enjoy quality time together...and it is nice to get to do that every now and then!

Meanwhile at home....Nan and Pawpaw took real good care of the girls. They got them to school and took them to dance class for us.

The girls had a great time and it is nice to know that they were in good hands!

This afternoon marks 'back to reality!'

We picked the girls up from school and had dinner and Alexis had her first piano lessons with Miss Bekah. She has started back lessons and is sooo excited! I love to see that she is happy to learn to play!
 Daddy got to walk Alexis in on her 2nd day of 2nd grade since we left for the cruise after we dropped her off! So sweet!! :)
Ahh....this was our view the rest of the afternoon! The picture doesnt do it justice!...the weather was perfect and the view from our chairs with the ocean out front! SO nice!
Love the ship all lit up! We enjoyed just relaxing and people watching! People watching is a hobby of ours! haha!
Meanwhile....these two started dance! The will be Lily's 2nd year of ballet!!! :)
My little ballerinas!!

 Day 2!!! This was just a sea day! They had a 'hairy chest/man' contest! SOOOO funny!!!

 Dinner time!! We got fancy! :)
 Meanwhile....these two had their last day of school for their first week! It's Friday! :)
 Saturday and we made it to Cozumel! Our ship is HUGE compared to us!!
 We hung out on this mini beach and it was sooo nice and I could have sat there all day long!
 Tyler enjoyed fish tacos and THIS salsa!! I couldnt feel my mouth and Tyler made the comment...'Oh, its not that bad'....then he ate a couple more bites and then said, 'Yeah, I cant feel my mouth!'
 Yep, this spot was fabulous!!
 I looked up and this was my view! The breeze was wonderful...the shade was fantastic and the sound of the ocean was soooo relaxing!
 Dinner again with this guy!
 We enjoyed our meals! Tyler always likes to try several different plates and see what he likes best! We had a couple from Louisiana and a couple from Missouri. The couple from Missouri was our age and they were really fun to talk with. It was neat to see their perspective on things being from a different state, etc!!
Meanwhile, the girls enjoyed shopping and then meeting Brandi's new cat 'Drew' day/night. I didnt take any pictures except this one I realized! We had a very low key day. It was a sea day again and we enjoyed the pool and then came in and watched movies just when a bad thunderstorm hit!
 Meanwhile...these two enjoyed church with Nan and Pawpaw!
 And today!...back to reality!! We are home now and BOY, I am feeling the ship! I am rocking!! I dont remember feeling the 'aftermath' before when I have been on cruises...but this time...I am feeling it! 
Meanwhile, these two had Monday school!!....and now we are all home and curled up getting ready to conquer the rest of the week!!


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