Sunday, August 9, 2015


Day 216
Monday fun day of refreshing herself on her math since school is starting THIS week! I will say...I can never be a teacher! Oh me, common sense should just be there and when it isnt....whew, its hard! :) But...she has been working really hard and has been doing really well on the 'homework' sheets that I have been making her! I think she is ready for 2nd grade!! :)
Day 217
Tuesday and back at practice again for the second time! We all love Miss Brittany!...and I LOVE her help! :)
  Day 218
THIS brush!! I am in LOVE with it! I have heard about the 'wet brush' for awhile and just never really bought into it! Soo....when I got my hair done, I saw them and decided to give it a try because Alexis ALWAYS complains that it hurts when I brush/dry her hair! I dont know what is sooo special or different about this brush because it looks just like any other brush....but I have to say it is a MIRACLE!! It goes through the girls' hair like butter and it is awesome! It was totally worth buying because it has made my life just a little bit easier!!! :)
Day 219
Schooolsss back in session! Gearing up for school! LOVE their bookbags!! {Of course Lily has to have one too right now!} :)
ALLLLLLlllll the school supplies for Alexis! Goodness me is all I can say, but glad I have gotten it all done! She meets her teacher and her friends in her class tomorrow! She is sooo excited!
Day 220
It is FRIDAY! And, I said goodbye to this great group of students! This group actually was my very first group of students when I started working at JSU! They are graduated now! {Insert tears!!} I will miss them but so excited for them as they venture out into the world of nursing!!
Day 221
Take me out to another ballgame! Braves game that is! Braves vs Marlins and it was an awesome game and we had awesome seats! And....Braves WON!! The girls decided they didnt want to go with us so they had a fun day with Nan and Pawpaw! We missed them but I have to is alot less stressful to not have to keep up with them! :)
Super highlight!! The 1995 World Series champions came out!! We were RIGHT there to see them!
YEP....David Justice and Chipper Jones!!! Yes, I was in heaven!! They both smiled and waived at me! ;) ;)

Day 222
Putting them to work! Oh these two girls! They dont know what 'hard labor' is! :) Lily was cracking me up because she would pick up one stick....or one pine cone and then say 'Oh Mommy, I just cant pick up another one!' hahaha!
They worked hard though...and filled that bin up! {Well, Alexis did most of the work!...Lily....hhhmmmm...not so much!} :)

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