Saturday, August 22, 2015

Girls' day!

The girls have been waiting for this day for a week now!

Starting at 6:00am........yep, that early.........both girls just could not wait for their friends to come over and play!

It felt like every 10 minutes one....if not both girls....would ask me how much longer....when are they coming...why are they not here yet???....

Finally....they all came over!

And yes, call me crazy....but I had the whole crew over at once...  Why not let them have some fun together before football season starts and fall happens and everyone gets even more super busy! :)

The girls all had a blast playing outside, playing 'spa', playing in the basement, singing in their band 'The Dreams', doing fashion shows, playing with the American girls, eating pizza, eating popsicles, etc!

Whew, Im tired too!..... :) :)

The 'littles' as they became called today!
Callie and Lily had fun playing with each other until both of them decided they wanted to play with the 'big girls' to which the big girls didnt really want them to play with them!....
Finally the 'big girls' let them! :) :)
The 'big girls!' Raybon, Alexis, Carli and Sara Kate. They had fun together 'hanging out' so they said! :)
Enjoying a picnic of pizza for lunch!!....and having girl talk!!
Playing outside and eating popsicles!
Jumping and eating popsicles. Lily was upset right when I took this picture because she dropped some of hers! She is pointing to what she dropped! ha!
'Spa' time! OOOHHHHH me!!....these girls were cracking me up spraying each other and painting each others nails and mixing lotion and water to make perfect hand concoctions! Sara Kate was enjoying a 'hand concoction' during this picture! haha!!

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