Sunday, August 2, 2015

Bowtastic tubing reunion!

Busy is keyword! We have been around town this weekend soaking up the last few weekends until school starts and summer is over...

We kicked off the weekend by heading to Pam's for the Morris family get together.

It is always good to catch up with Bobbi and her kids...Laura, Jada and Cindy.

We ate a TON of food and rode the boat/tube for a little bit!

Alexis and Lily love to explore Aunt Pam's house...and look what they found this time! They both actually let it on their hand too! :)
Richard and Lily are two trouble makers together! :) Lily was having soooo much fun squirting water in his face with the gun!
Everyone just sitting around catching up! It was SUCH a beautiful day and there was a perfect breeze!
Perfection! They were having a comfy convo!...
And then Alexis wanted to join in on the relaxing fun!...
And then offff we go!!....Tyler took the wheel and we were cruising!
The girls LOVE to ride the tube! They beg to ride!
Today we had the Law family reunion. We look forward to this every year! Tyler wouldnt cooperate during my picture taking!!
There was a TON of yummy food!
And Lily with her baby doll! Sooo sweet!
And throwback! Look who wore the same dress...........but several years ago! :) :)
After the reunion, I came home to this! I had put it off and put it off and so it was time to finish making the cheer bows! OOOHHHH....I hated every second of making them! Two blisters on both thumbs and a headache later.............they are done at least and turned out cute!

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