Thursday, July 30, 2015

A day with Dinosaurs!

I am late posting this but last week Alexis and Lily had a great day spent with Nan, Pawpaw and Brandi at the Imagination Place in Gadsden looking at their Dinosaur exhibit!

The Dinosaurs looked real!

The girls always love when we take them there to play! is good for us because they exert a lot of energy! :) :)

The exhibit was so cool! I love getting pictures of the girls having fun!!
Lily was amazed!
After they saw the Dinosaurs, they played...and Nan was the cashier!
Then Lily decided she wanted to!...
And they played 'grocery store'! They played in the big ball zone, they went down the slides, they love going there and it is really such a neat place to take them! I love how they do different events. This past winter it was neat because we went and they had a snow exhibit! There was 'snow' everywhere!
Nan helping Lily and Alexis on the see-saw! After they all enjoyed lunch at the Courtyard! That place never disappoints either along with doing some fun shopping after too!! :) They all had a great day!

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