Saturday, July 4, 2015

The smell of sunscreen in Auburn!

Turning 7, sunning and playing in the pool, and fireworks!!....

Couldnt beat our trip we had to Auburn!

We LOVE to go to Auburn! Everyone looks at me funny when I say that we are heading to Auburn for a couple of days...

most people only think of football!

Well, Auburn is sooo much more than just football!

We loaded Thursday through today with sun, fun, pool, relaxing, shopping, eating, site seeing, ice cream, poolside late night movie watching and more!!

Little do most know, but there is a little gem at Auburn called Grand National and we love to stay there and enjoy!

We had a great trip with Nan, Pawpaw and Brandi celebrating Alexis turning 7 too!!!

Cant believe she is 7!!
First picture as an official 7 year old right before we left for Auburn!! Also...officially her first picture without a hair bow! When she woke up, Daddy and I sang her happy birthday...and the first thing out of her mouth was...I never have to wear a hair bow again! :)
She has been wanting a horse for her 'American girl doll' and so Daddy surprised her with the horse from us! She was sooo excited! :) She is also obsessed with little stuffed animals so she picked out this cute octopus at Cracker Barrel from us too! :)
She loves her new bathing suit from Brandi and wanted to wear it right when we got to Auburn! She was ready to swim!!
Ahhh...not a bad view from my comfy chair by the pool!
And not a bad view from our deck either!!
After a full day by the pool we all got cleaned up and celebrate Alexis' birthday at Amsterdam Cafe!! YUMMMMM! I love that place! The girls and Daddy had fun playing on this cool old piano outside the restaurant!
Happy birthday to Alexis! The waitress surprised her with a chocolate cake!
Nan and Pawpaw...and Brandi enjoyed the comfy cool shade by the pool! :)
She thinks we dont know who she is! She wouldnt take off Lily's glasses! :)
My American girl!!!
Ready to celebrate the 4th a day early!
My little family!! We enjoyed Tasiki's on this night! Yum too!
After dinner...nothing funner than night swimming!!
Alexis always enjoys meeting and swimming with friends!
Racing to dive! :)
Movie time! So cute!...they played The Boxtrolls!
Our last day! We were the first ones in the pool this morning since we had to check out today! The girls had fun soaking up the last couple of hours before it was time to go back home!
They wanted to swim in the hot tub...that wasnt hot! :) We had such a great trip! I LOVE Auburn......for a million reasons!!!! :) :) :)

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