Wednesday, July 15, 2015

Dont stop...won't stop!

I have had a little cheering girl the past couple of days!!

We have cheered Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday!...and she has gym class tomorrow with Miss Leslie!

Alexis is all things cheer these days and I am pretty sure she has gotten her fill lately!

We had our normal cheer practice Monday and then Tuesday Alexis had the JSU Summer Cheer Camp and then our Jacksonville High School Cheer Camp that night. We rounded out the cheer fun with the last day of the JSU Summer Cheer Camp today! Whew!...that makes me so tired just typing it all! :)
Introducing the 2015 C-team cheerleaders {minus 1}...after a long Monday practice! :) :)
Alexis was sooo excited to do the Cheer Camp because Miss Leslie would be there!
1st day of the JSU Summer Cheer Camp!
On to the next!...The Jacksonville High School Varsity Cheerleaders Clinic! All my littles getting stretched and ready!
I have been meaning and wanting to get a picture of this since the 1st practice and I havent had a chance! They mastered this the 1st practice {and we have only had 3 so far}!!! I am SOOO proud of them because this is NOT easy to do...especially for this age group!...and the fact that NONE of them holding Alexis has ever even cheered before!!! SOOOO proud!!
Last day of the JSU Summer Camp! Lily got to enjoy today and sit by one of her favorite people!!!
My little Jacksonville State mini cheerleader!!
COCKY!! :)
The whole cheer gang!!
My favorite picture!

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