Sunday, July 12, 2015


Whew! I have a lot of days to catch up on! We have been busy busy and on the go! We are soaking up all the summer fun we can!!...that is for sure!!
Day 174
Headed to summer camp and school. Though doing that may not be a highlight..but seeing these sweet faces in the morning is! :)

Day 175
Haircut Wednesday! Whoo hoo! :)
Day 176
Catching up with friends during a surprise visit of them being in town!
Day 177
Meg and Mal stayed with us! It was so relaxing and the girls sooo enjoyed having them with us for the weekend!
Day 178
We LOVED floating the creek! So fun!
Day 179
The twins went to lunch with us after they went to church with us! :) We had a great time with them all weekend!!
Day 180
I had a little visitor with me on a Monday at work before Gran came and picked her up to go see the movie Inside Out!

 She worked hard while she was with me on her 'work!' :) :)

Day 181
Tyler got our new picture hung over our headboard! I LOVE it!

Day 182
Family birthday bash for Alexis! We went to Yamoto {per her request} and then everyone came to our house for presents and CAKE! 

Day 183
Seeing my 7 year old on her actual birthday day! Nothing better!!...we are in AUBURN and she is soo happy with her birthday gifts! :)
Day 184
Celebrating the Fourth of July a day early as we enjoyed Auburn with Nan, Pawpaw and Brandi! I love this little firework!!
Day 185
We finished off our fun trip to Auburn and came home and enjoyed fireworks in our pjs!!
Day 186
Up and at'em...headed to Aunt Pam's to enjoy more celebrating of the 4th! Had SO much fun riding the tube with Meg and Lily! Lily LOVED riding!!
Day 187
Hit the ground running some more! First cheer practice of the season! Soooo many girls but practice has been great and I have loved getting to know them all!!
Day 188
Day two of practice #2!! Getting them all lined up and remembering their names.....whew! :) is tough!! :)
Day 189
After practice the night before..I headed to drop the girls off so they could spend time with LaLa!, this day...Tyler and I had a date night of Chili's restaurant and this movie! Love having some quality time with him!

Day 190
While I was working.....she was doing this with LaLa and Meg and Mal! Though it stunk that I was at work while they were having was fun to get pictures and see how much fun they were having!
Day 191
Friday night fun! Getting ready with my 7 year old for her 'girls just want to have fun' spend the night party with her friends!
Day 192
Seeing that they all survived the night with no tears...or anyone wanting to go home! :)
Day 193
Sunday fun day in the SUN! WHOO HOOO!! Love seeing this little belly! I can still remember Alexis wearing this same two piece!! :) :)

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