Saturday, July 11, 2015

Girls just want to have fun!

The girls had fun!

No doubt about it!

They laughed and played and played and stayed up 'all night!'

They made it until 12:30!!....except Carli!...she was out at 11! :) :)

Alexis has been begging since her 6th birthday to have a spend the night party and I just wasnt ready to venture in to that world yet!.....until now! :) :)

Alexis finally got her way and talked me into having one! I got my way by saying she was limited to 3 friends only! {Yes, starting off small!!} :) :) And small was good! :)

Alexis made sure to help me set up everything and had to make sure everything was perfect before her friends got there! :)
Cute 'Photo booth' for the girls! They had sooo much fun picking out their props and taking funny pictures!!
Alexis had some fun as she waited on her friends!
She is 7! WOW!!
The girls having fun! They enjoyed pizza and cupcakes before doing all the fun things I had lined up for them!
Her cupcakes had octopuses on them! :)
Alexis got her birthday spanking! :)
The girls having more fun! :)
Alexis was thrilled to open her presents! She said they were all SO cool! Caroline got her a 'snackee'...apparently I am not cool and had no idea what that was! :)
The 'Snackee!' Carli got her a Barbie set and Sara Kate got her another new 'American Girl' doll! Alexis almost was in tears!
Alexis so excited giving everyone 'thank you' hugs!
A new twist on 'spin the bottle!!' Spin the fingernail polish! The girls had to spin the color they chose and if the cap part landed on you then you were the person that had to paint your toes or fingers...whatever the back part of the bottle decided on. The person that got to choose toes or fingers also got to tell the person being painted how many toes and fingers were going to have to be done! They loved this!! :)
All their toes and fingers painted based on how the bottle was spun!
THEN...this was hilarious! Apparently none of them have 'lived the high life' yet by having facials and massages!! :) They had NO idea what I was about to do to them!! Sara Kate refused for me to put it on her and I told her she had to...and she ended up being the one that didnt want it to come off! :) They were cracking me up as they laid there laughing and talking and telling me how it felt on them!! I tried to get them to move to a more comfortable spot to lay so they all could be in a 'spa' and none of them wanted to move! ha!
OOOhhh...they were making me laugh!!
I didnt cut the cucumbers evenly! They all looked like bug eyed aliens!! :) :) 'spa' girls! refreshed! ha!
Now on to 'photo booth' time!! They cracked me up during this too!!!! {Look at Sara Kate 'eating' her ice cream!}

Sara Kate and the birthday girl!!
Caroline and the birthday girl above
Carli and the birthday girl below!
MOVIE time!!...outside movie! Alexis was SO excited about this! They all had on glow in the dark glasses to help them 'see' in the dark!!! Alexis chose Mr. Peabody and Sherman. She said 'Mommy, it is the BEST movie and they will love it and it is perfect to watch outside!!'
They kept coming in a couple of times because Carli was afraid there were wolves and bears out there! I had to keep telling her there was nothing to worry about!
Enjoying popcorn and drinks as they curled up!
Nothing cooler than watching a movie outside under the stars!!
Finally got them in and cleaned up and in pjs! They played and played the rest of the night! They sang karaoke and had judges! I could hear them in there laughing and saying 'you get through to the next round!' :)
They ALL survived the night!! All of them woke up bright and early despite going to bed really late! :)
Waiting on their parents to come pick them up and enjoying popsicles! Carli had already left for the morning.They jumped on the trampoline, played air hockey downstairs and made a 'band' called the 'Rockettes!!'....where they performed for me with their songs! OOOHHH....I have 3 videos of them that will TOTALLY embarrass them when they are all teenagers that I CAN NOT wait to pull out and show of them dancing and singing in their band the 'Rockettes!!'
Alexis ended up going to Sara Kate's house when her mom came and picked her up so Tyler and I have the rest of the afternoon to clean up and rest and recuperate! :)

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