Sunday, July 5, 2015

4th of July fun!

We have had a great 4th this year!

We kicked off the actual 4th by spending the remaining time in Auburn before heading home.

By the time we got home yesterday, we unpacked, relaxed, took an afternoon nap and just enjoyed the relaxing rain that came through!

Right at the girls' bedtime...we got a very wild hair and decided to go get fireworks {sparkles per Lily} actually sparklers and a 'fun' drink as we call them at Sonic!

We made the most of our 4th by doing sparklers in our pjs in the front yard as we drank our slushes with nerds from Sonic! Super highlight!! :)

Great night!

This morning we finished off our 4th of July fun by heading to Aunt Pam's and Grans to cook out and ride the boats!

We had a great time!!

These two sillies loved doing the sparklers!! I thought this picture was hilarious even though Lily is covering up Alexis' face! :)
Look at that sweet smile having fun on a spur of the moment fun time!
Nothing more fun than in our pjs with fireworks! :)
4th fun!
My girls love these girls!
The crazy crew being river rats!!
Lily played and played in the sprinkler!
Love Alexis' face! They had SO much fun riding!!
This picture CRACKS me up! This is ALL we saw the whole time they rode!.....Tyler's FEET, Meg and that smile on Lily's face never left!! :) :)
Lily LOVED riding! She screamed and laughed the ENTIRE times she rode! She wouldnt get off!..she rode and rode and rode!! :)
Riding with us too! Lily also rode with La La and Aunt Pam too!!
Daddy tried out the skis!
But....guess who got up?!?!? Save the BEST for last....ME! :) :) Look at me go! Yes, that is me even though you cant really tell! :) :)

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