Wednesday, July 1, 2015

Family birthday party for the birthday girl!

Alexis' family birthday party was today!

She is 7!!!


She picked Yamoto restaurant for everyone to meet and eat/begin her birthday party fun!

Despite the terrible thunderstorm/rain....we had a yummy and fun meal with everyone!

Alexis LOVES eating there and it was funny because we eat there per her request a good bit {when Daddy is not with us} and the same guy waiter recognized us and was our waiter this time!

After we ate, the rain had finally stopped so we all headed to our house for presents and cake!!

Tomorrow she will officially be 7!!

We are heading bright and early to AUBURN!!!...with Nan, Pawpaw and Brandi since it is the 4th of July weekend!

We cant wait!!!

After our yummy meal, Alexis was SUPER surprised by the waiters singing happy birthday to her and surprising her with green tea ice cream! She was skeptical of the ice cream at first but after she tried it...she loved it!
Nannie and Lex!
She is 7!! :) :)
Last week...she picked out her 'perfect' plates and napkins for her party! She was sooo excited to pick these out!
The crew at her party! :)
The crew again! :)
I hate that the next several pictures turned out blurry :(    Aunt Pam, Lex and Richard!!
Nan and Lex! I hate it is blurry because it is a great picture!
Gran, Lex and Ben. Again, hate it is blurry! :(

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