Saturday, July 18, 2015

Take me out to the ballgame!

Per Lily, "Today was the greatest day ever!"

We loaded up after work yesterday afternoon and took the girls to their very first Braves baseball game!

They had a BLAST!

The had NO clue what was happening during the game....but they sure did clap their hardest and yell their loudest when everyone else did and they sure did cheer the Braves on! :) :)

It was hilarious watching them as we watched the game!

Alexis wanted SOOOOO bad to be shown on the Jumbotron!...she did some of the funniest dance moves and motions to try and get on camera!!!

Lily was more concerned about when they were going to do the 'Chop' again!! She LOVED it!

The game didnt start until 7:30 Georgia time so it ended late...but that didnt prove any problems for the girls! They were troopers the whole game! Neither one of them ever asked when it was going to be over or whine!! They were too busy having fun!

It really was a great family time!

Their 1st game!!
Alexis was amazed at how big the stadium is!
Lily was talking in between her smile telling me she was smiling! :)
Me and my girls!!
The girls doing the Tomahawk chop!!
They also loved singing 'Take me out to the ballgame' during the 7th inning stretch. I have the cutest video of them with Tyler swaying back and forth, singing and doing the arm motion too!!
Asking a ton of questions and enjoying the game! Lily thought we were at a basketball game! oh me! haha!!
This picture CRACKS me up!!! This was them pretty much the entire game!! Trying their hardest to be shown on the Jumbotron!!! They were doing some of the funniest dance moves and faces, etc!!! I was laughing so hard watching them!
Braves WON!! Beat the Cubs! It was a great game!! {FYI, there were a TON of Cub fans! I have never been to a game before where there were that many 'away' team fans! They had a huge turnout for it being in Atlanta!}

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