Thursday, July 9, 2015

Summer fun in B'ham!

After cheer practice Tuesday, I loaded the girls up and headed to meet LaLa so they could spend a couple of days together since summer is winding down and it is almost back to school time!

The girls LOVE spending time in Birmingham!!!

Tyler and I enjoyed date night with dinner and the movie Terminator. The new Terminator movie is really good even though it is more of Tyler's taste! :)  {The things you do for go see a 'guy' movie!} :) :)

By the time they made it to LaLa's house Tuesday was just time for bath and bed pretty much....but OH goodness, they even made that fun!

Look at all of those bubbles!! Talk about a bubble bath!!

Wednesday they loaded up and did some fun shopping and had lunch!

They went to the bookstore and had reading time!!
Talk about a shopping spree!! Alexis loaded up! I told Lana that she would have a hard time getting the girls out of Bath and Body Works! {And I was right!!} They also went to Kendra Scott and saw Margie and Alexis got a piece of jewelry there since she just had her birthday! She racked up for sure!!
I am not sure what all fun things they are doing today except I know that they are supposed to head to the pool for some swimming and tanning! I havent gotten any pictures of all that yet! :)
I will be getting the crew back tonight............but already know that they want to stay longer in Birmingham! :)

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