Monday, August 3, 2015


Day 204
Getting ready to head to Nan's and enjoy the day with her! They have loved spending the summer with her!

Day 205
Happy 10 years to us! We enjoyed Longhorn! YUM!

Day 206
LOVED hearing all the sweet memories that all of Blake and Margie's family and close friends said about them. My little flower girls did awesome during rehearsal too!!

Day 207
Happy day for these two! I pray they have a long and happy marriage together!

Day 208
Football schedule came in! The season is getting close! GOOOOoooo Eagles!!

Day 209
She lost her 2nd tooth!!! They are dropping like flies!! Her top two front teeth are loose now!! :)

Day 210
Afternoon family bike ride around the neighborhood! It was a perfect weathered afternoon for a ride!
This little girl cracks me up riding! I walked behind her while she and the other two rode! She is a mess is all I can say! whew!!...she wore me out!

Day 211
Another Wednesday time with Nan! They were off to have fun with the Dinosaurs in Gadsden on this day!!

Day 212
She got the postcard in the mail that she has been WAITING on forever!! She got Mrs. Nelson for 2nd grade!! She is SOOO excited to get her! {That is who she said she wanted before she knew. When she got it and read who she got...she said 'Mommy, my dream came true!'} :) :) :)
Day 213
Oohhhh...these bows......these bows! I hated every minute loved every minute of making them! {yeah right!!}
I started them on this night {I just didnt take a picture} but I completely finished them on Sunday. My goodness it was tough!
Day 214
Saturday fun day at the lake! Enjoyed the Morris family get together!

Day 215
Sunday fun day at the Law annual family reunion!

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