Thursday, September 10, 2015


We are gearing up to prepare ourselves that Summer is ending and Fall is beginning! We have had a great week and weekend with it being a long weekend due to Labor Day! The weather was perfect and we did fun things and also threw in some relaxation too!
Day 243
The girls were back from Grans and so we had a family movie night! The girls picked out Home on Redbox and so we enjoyed watching it! Little did we know, Alexis already had the movie pretty much memorized already! That girl knows every song and every word to pretty much every Disney/cartoon movie there is! :) :)

Day 244
SUPER highlight!! THESE noodles are SOOOOOOOO great to have! I have seen them and seen them and have passed every time on getting them when I make lasagna. Well....I decided to try them out because I love lasagna but I HATE to boil those big noodles! They are hard to boil and the slide when I get them out of the pot, etc. So, I thought I would give these a try...and BOY have I been missing out on life!!! These little things are a miracle! NO boiling! Just layer them when you layer the ingredients, pop it in the oven.................................and wait for the greatness!!

Day 245
SUPER super SUPER highlight! I have seen these two and have passed because 1. It looks very gross! 2. It looks like it would taste gross! Well, I decided to try it and it is SO good! And SO healthy...and it fills you up! LOVE this now! {Side note...I gross people out when they come in my office and see it!} :)

Day 246
Talk about making me smile! Lily came running to me this specific morning saying she made her bed 'Just like Sissy does hers Mommy!' So, I had to go in her room and see! Sure enough...she smoothed out all of her blankets and comforter...............and even tucked Giraffe' in! :) She did a great job! Little did she know, I now tell her every morning to make up her bed! :)
*Picture under is Alexis' bed. She is obsessed  to say the least about making sure it is smooth and perfect!!

Day 247
Thursday ballet day with these beautiful ballerinas!! 

Day  248
Football FRIDAY!! I have worn orange and blue pretty much my whole working career on Fridays in support of the Tigers! Well, now that I work at JSU....I cant really support them anymore :( ......But, I still find some ways to throw in some orange..................or maybe some blue.............or both! :)

Day 249
The time has come! Football has started! We had a fun filled packed day on this day! It was all a highlight!!
Love these two little cheerleaders!!

Day 250
Sunday Funday at Aunt Pam's! Richard let Alexis drive the boat....and she couldnt get that smile off her face! She loved it!!
Nannie, Hogan, Gran, Brandon and us all enjoyed Labor Day fun by cooking out and boat riding!
OOOhhhh...and I loved this!! Ahh....soooo nice!

Day 251
HAPPY Labor Day!! We enjoyed not having to go to work or school on this day! We did some fun shopping before heading over to Nan and Pawpaw's for dinner with Brandi! YUM!
 Day 252
Back to the groove of work......................and it's that time again that I get to help out the students and be a patient! Interesting is all I can say! :)
Day 253
Wednesday...HUMP DAY...and AWANA day!! The girls have been waiting for this to start for awhile! They both had a blast at church and came home telling us their Bible verse that they have to memorize! Lily has hers down! 'God loves us and gave his Son'
Alexis says hers is too long! haha! 'God so loved the world that he gave his only son that who believes in him shall not parish but have eternal life!'   :)

Day 254
Thursday and ballet day PLUS Homecoming parade day for JHS! We just missed the parade and the pep rally on the Square, but I circled back down and the girls and I checked out all the cool floats! The theme is 'Around the world'....they all looked really good!

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