Sunday, September 27, 2015

Pumpkin filled weekend!

Whhooo!! Besides Christmas...Halloween is my most favorite holiday!

I know some may think...Halloween is evil and of the devil, etc!...

However, I beg to differ!

It is just FUN! is Fall and pumpkins and cute witches and ghosts!!

I love Halloween!

So, we decorated this weekend!

We have had a great...semi low key weekend!

We had our normal routine these days of football!

It is that 'season' in our lives where we are filled with the girl's activities! And..I love it! :)

The Golden Eagles WON!!

We came home and.....Auburn lost. Yeah, the season isnt looking so good right now. I dont know what is happening....  :(

We rounded out the weekend with Church and relaxing! Low key...and nice!!

Sara Kate came and spent the night with us Friday night! We had a fun filled night full of Mexican food, playing American girl dolls, music videos, movies and more! They played so well together..and actually got into bed at a descent time! {Because I made them} :)
Game day!! Nannie and LaLa came to watch Alexis!!
Pumpkins galore! LOVE! More to come on my Halloween decorations!!
The perfect picture! My two favorite holidays all in one!....The Christmas isle, Halloween pumpkins...these two cuties...their cute cute pink cowgirl boots and Auburn outfits! :)
Photo shoot before church!!

I hope they always hold each other's hands and be each others best friend forever and always!

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