Saturday, September 19, 2015

So much cuteness and SO much football!

I cant even handle all the cuteness of today.....and WOW at all the football!

Today was Eagle Homecoming!

It was WARM outside to say the least, but such a beautiful day for some football!

Alexis was escorted this year by Caden Loos. He plays on the C-team and is in her class! {She likes him and would KILL me for typing this right now!!}

She said 'Mommy, he is sweet, smart and sooooo funny!' {that is some great qualities to have that I hope all of  her future boyfriends...and even future husband have!} :)

The boys didnt win the game, but they still played hard and it was such a fun Homecoming!

After the game, we ran and ate lunch and went to the Art Festival on the square! It was such a great event to show off aspiring artists! AND..guess what!?!?!  Alexis had TWO pieces of art that she did on display!

YEP, that's right...................she is a great artist too!!!

There were 5 kids out of the whole 2nd grade class that was chosen based off their 'abstract' designs! Alexis had two of hers chosen!!

We capped off the afternoon by heading to the JSU game! JSU smoked Tennessee Tech! It was a GREAT....and and it was PACKED! There was a huge turnout! We couldnt hardly find a spot to sit! It took us awhile!!

After that....we came home and crashed!!.....................and watched the very....very...very bad Auburn game against LSU.

Wow, I love my Tigers...........but ouch at that game! :(

My two little Homecoming Queens!!! :)
Such a cute megaphone! Some very special cheer Moms made these for all the cheerleaders and footballs for the guys! So sweet!
My Auburn girl! She LOVES to run around and watch and cheer with the 'big' cheerleaders..and her sissy! :)
AHHH!!!.....this is just SOOOO cute!! :)
And this too!! I love this picture! I can NOT wait to use this picture when they are all Seniors!! :)
Alexis, Caden, Nick, Abbie, Ben and Carmen!
So sweet! My little Queen!
They did so good and had so much fun doing it together! Alexis got a really cute cheer bag and a cheer water bottle today!
These two had fun playing with each other! Abby Grace and Lily!
After yummy Taco Bell, we headed to the Art Festival! Here is her abstract rainbow! :)
And here is her abstract turtle.....standing over a rainbow with its heart! {or sooo she says! :)}
AND....THEN, GOOOOO Gamecocks!! We love Miss Leslie!!
{And yes, Lily couldnt wear her Auburn cheer uniform to the game so we had to do a quick change in the car before we came in!} :)

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