Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Wordless Wednesday and OH Lily Grace!!

Guess!!!!....what THIS is?!?!?!

This, everyone, is our vent {air vent} in the girl's playroom!

Okay, here is the story!....

So, last night I went to cut the lamp off because it was bedtime. As I walked over to do that I noticed that Lily's play guitar was laying over the vent so I bent down to pick it up off it.

As I was picking up the guitar.............I noticed something blue stuck to the vent cover.

Well, I looked closer as I was reaching for the 'blue thing' and I realized that it was an old piece of GUM!!!!

So, to my horror......I thought...hhhmmm....I think I may need to check in the vent to see if there is MORE......

And there was A LOT MORE!!!!

LOOK!! She has been stashing old bubblegum in our VENT for who knows HOW LONG!!


I called Tyler in there to show him and he asked Lily why she didnt throw it away instead of sticking down the vent!...

And she said 'because, we wouldnt find it in there'.......


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