Thursday, September 24, 2015

Life lately with two little girls!...

Well, the truth is, both girls are growing up and the ages that they are right now is great!

They are both more independent so I can give them tasks and it gets done....

with me repeating those said tasks a couple of times along the way :)

Alexis has just turned 7 in July so she thinks she is 'all grown'  now...

Random facts about Alexis:

* She is ALL about lipsticks, shoes and purses!
*She can color and draw for hours on end! She has the most beautiful handwriting {which her teachers constantly point out} and draws and colors perfectly.
*She sings Her mouth never closes {case in point it is like that at school and her conduct grade shows it too} :)
*She has major...major melt downs when her sleeves are TOO long {per her thinking even though they are usually fine and not too long} If her sleeves on her shirts come over her wrists ANY, she flips out! It is the funniest thing on how she acts about it! I have to roll them under or up for her or she goes crazy! :)
*She flips from one song to the next and back to another. She may be singing a country song one minute and the next a pop song and then singing a commercial that she heard! :) She still to this day {at 7 years old} sings herself to sleep almost every night since she started talking!
*She is OCD! Im am just stating it. She has to have everything lined and in place! She wont go to bed until she checks her things and makes sure that they are where they should be! She smooths out her bed to have no wrinkles BEFORE she gets in her bed to sleep!!...every.single.night.
*She is the life of the party! She is constantly smiling and being silly with her friends!
*She loves to watch movies! She could watch movies all day long if she could!
*She can be Miss Sassy pants with a big capital S! She has been known to be put in time-out for her back talking once or twice...........or a couple several tons of times! She has always been very sorry {after she calms down} and understands how she should act better at the end though.
*She is awesome in reading and spelling! She loves to read and she doesnt hardly have to study to make A's on her spelling tests! {Now Math is a different story...she doesnt like that so much} :)
*She loves all things dance and cheer right now! She has gotten so brave going up in the pyramids and just looks so beautiful dancing!
*She is starting to express how she thinks certain boys are cute, etc where as in the past she never even gave them a second glance. BUT, if you mention anything about a boy...she gets totally embarrassed and doesnt want to talk about it! :)
*She is a GREAT eater! She is always willing to try anything and has a great variety of foods that I dont even like that she loves! She is still loving loving LOVING mushrooms too!
* She is 100% girly girl! She does not  like to get dirty, has to have her shirt and pants match perfectly and look perfect. Her hair has to be parted and perfect. She loves to make sure her shoes match and that she is wearing some sort of jewerly too!
*She does LOVE to ride her bike and jump on the trampoline though! :)
*She is such a great big sister! When Lily is being stubborn or whatever, she is always the first to say okay or give in...or whatever the case may be. She always looks out for Lily and helps teach her things like the other day she helped Lily with her writing! :)

Lily has just turned 4....and BOY, does she think she is all grown up! :)

Random facts about Lily:
*She is ALL about doing everything Alexis does.
*Her LAUGH is soooo contagious! Everyone who hears her laughter just cant stop themselves from laughing too! It is the cutest...funniest little laugh ever!!!
*Her language cracks me up! She likes to make up words! And her favorite word of all time is BO ring...the way she says boring cracks me up! Everything is 'BO ring!' to her! If she doesnt want to do something she will say 'Mommy, that is bo ring!' {She says pronounces it like bow ring!...she draws the 'bo' out!} Tooooo funny!!!
*She is little miss missy! I just cant describe Lily! {And that is a good thing!!} :) She is just a stinker! I never know what she is going to say or how she is going to act in a situation! For example, she likes to say 'bad words' {like butt} just to make someone laugh! :) or she will LOVE some type of food one meal and the next time I cook it, you would think I was feeding her chalk or something! :) BUT, if I could give her chicken fingers, french fries or mac n cheese and she begs for more! :)
*She is my more emotional one! Her world comes crashing down if she is upset or gets in trouble! {which happens a good bit with her!} :) She will just run to her room and cry and acts so serious if she is in trouble.
*She can be so stubborn and set in her way. If she doesnt want to do something, she wont. If she wants something and I have told her 'no' for example, she will say "Well then Mommy, I am not going to move from this spot until you let me {have what I want or do what I want}" {And....Im like okay, dont move from that spot then!} :) :) She cracks me up!!! :)
*She has the biggest heart! She is the first one I see every morning {because she doesnt sleep and up with the roosters} and she will come running to me with the biggest smile and just hug me and say 'Good morning Mommy!' She loves to say 'Wakie Wakie time for bakie' {I have no idea where she got this saying from!} :)
*She makes some of the funniest faces ever! Alexis made some funny faces when she was younger...but Lily has her beat!!
*She is fast as lighting! That little girl can run and is just SO quick! I think she is going to be our more 'sporty' girl. She loves to play outside, loves to run. She is GREAT at kicking and throwing balls! She is SO excited about playing soccer coming up so we shall see how it goes with her!
*She LOVES being a ballerina! Loves it and I love to see her smiling everytime she comes out of her class!
*She is getting better with writing her name! She does her 'Y' backwards {that I think is just so sweet...right now that is!} :) She can count super high and knows her ABC's! She is a deep thinker and understands things that I cant believe she can at her age! {I guess because Alexis didnt at her age because Alexis is more in 'La La' land} :)
*She loves all things Aubie! Aubie just loves her too! They are best friends!
*She isnt into coloring/drawing as Alexis is but still likes to do it when Alexis does.
*I love to hear her talk and tell conversations! She gets so serious in certain parts and then silly in others and the words she chooses to use are just so funny and sweet to listen to! And...she likes to make up half of what she is saying and I tell her all the time "Lily, is that part a fib??"..and she will just smile and make a face like 'okay, yes it is!' :)
*She loves stuffed animals! Oh my gracious you should see her bed! It is FULL of them! She is still obsessed with her "giraffee' and blanket
*She begs to wear dresses and loves to bring purses and things like that when she sees Alexis doing it! {Lily is always saying 'Sissy, watch' because she wants Alexis to see and know everything she does!}

So, this is just the latest update on my two little stinkers! Goodness, before I know it....I will be talking about how they are as teenagers! {Insert tears here} {Insert Lord, help me now here} :)

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