Sunday, February 28, 2016

A beautiful weekend feeling the love!

We had the best weather this weekend!

I wish it would stay just like it was year around!

Upper 60's, lower 70's with nothing but blue skies!....


We made the most of the beautiful days by running errands, bike riding around the neighborhood, Tyler working in the yard, soccer games, church and bridal showers!

Ahh....such a beautiful day so we went for a bike ride!...well, I went for a walk because Lily needs me to help her get up some hills, etc! :) It was a great bike ride until Alexis decided to run her bike into the sewer drain and then because of that, falling and crying {but she was okay} only for her to realize that her stuffed animal {that is pictured in her basket that she wanted to bring to take on her ride} fell down said sewer drain when we got back home about 20 minutes later. Sooo.....luckily we went back to this sewer drain up the street and thankfully I was able to get it. AND...thankfully it wasnt wet! It fell on the little part right above the nastiness! ha! Whew! :) All is well now with Alexis and the stuffed animal! :)
We decided on a spur of the moment decision to head to the JSU vs Troy soccer game! Troy was good!! needless to say, JSU didnt win but we still had a great time watching! We enjoyed Baja Grill after to round out our afternoon!
Lily enjoyed doing this the entire time instead of watching the game. She is SO quick and LOVED kicking the ball around!
Daddy decided to join in on this game since JSU was loosing their game! :)
Dirty knees and all having a great day!
This chick was using her hands to see the game better! Very inventive! :)
Church this morning with this girl. She asked me to fix her hair 'fancy' I did! :)
Too big for her britches! :)
Little Miss Priss! :)
So sweet! :)
This afternoon we had Linda and Brandon's bridal shower! There was a ton of food and Linda got a lot of great gifts!
I loved their new sign Pam had made! It was so cute!
Congrats to Linda and Brandon! So happy for you two! :)
Tyler ended up bringing Alexis and Lily up to the shower right at the end and the girls were SO excited to see everyone!
This girl is SO loved!
More love!
And even more! :) :)

Friday, February 26, 2016

Frozen week

We are all excited in the city of Jacksonville....

the Dairy Queen opened this week!

It has been a MAD house there!

It is like no one has ever seen or eaten at one before. Craziness!

Even though I do like DQ and excited that it is here....

even though we already have 10,000 chicken finger places....  :)

We havent had anything 'big' happening this week besides that but to Alexis and Lily, that is all the excitement should be about! They love eating there and love that it is open!

The days are actually getting longer finally even though the coldness can go away! We are excited that softball and baseball begin next week so we are looking forward to that and before we know it, it will be time for the clocks to change!

Whoo hooo!!

I had a really sweet student surprise me with a DQ treat in honor of the Grand Opening and it was a nice surprise! OH YUM! :)
Look how cute she is! Her Spring pictures came in this week! :)
Such a model! :)
AND....I now have these two home and since it is Friday we are getting ready for a nice weekend! We are having a family movie night with The Minion movie and The Intern! Whoo hoo! :)

Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Wordless Wednesday!

It's getting about that time! I know one certain guy....that I live with....that is ready!! :)

Sunday, February 21, 2016

Team building weekend!

It has been a laid back kind of weekend with pretty nice weather except for this afternoon it looks like it could rain any minute! I actually call that perfect because nothing better than having it that weather on a Sunday afternoon with NOTHING to do but take a nap!

In fact, as I type this right now....that is what Lily is doing and Im pretty sure in another 10 minutes or so, I will see Tyler doing the same thing! :)

Oh this sassy girl! Friday morning she came into my bedroom while I was getting ready and said that she didnt like what I had picked out for her to wear that day so she got out what she wanted.
She noted:
The 'blue' in the polka dots match the bow on my dress Mommy.
You say that it is cold outside Mommy so I put on a sweater since my dress is short sleeves.
I have to wear my pink boots because they go perfect with my dress. {not to mention she just wanted to wear them because she is obsessed with these boots!!}
So, since she made her point as to why she chose the outfit, how could I argue her points! :)
Alexis actually slept in yesterday!....and I think it is because she danced her legs off the night before at the Daddy/Daughter dance! She had SO much fun!
Since we decided to run to Gadsden to take care of some errands and OF course eat lunch at Moe's, Alexis dressed her doll up to match her. She realized that none of her dolls have tennis shoes {mind you, her dolls have a ton of dress shoes, boots, ice skates,etc...} but no tennis shoes so she asked to use some of her 'tooth fairy' money out of her piggy bank and go to Wal-Mart to get a pair. So, we stopped by Wal-Mart to let her pick out a pair. She asked me to take a picture of her doll matching her....with her new tennis shoes on! :)
We went to the land to do some shooting and Alexis decided she wanted to shoot for the first time. Here she is helping Daddy draw the Turkey! ha!
Now...ready to shoot the Turkey! She had a blast shooting! She is a natural! :) I also let the girls drive around too while we were there. Alexis actually used the blinkers, the windshield wipers and she was really good! {for a 7 year old!}  :) I asked her what she had more fun doing.....either shooting or driving the truck...and she said both! :)
Then...we headed to Germania Springs to play some ball! Lily is SO fast and was doing a great job hitting off the tee!!
Daddy teaching her how to hit!
AND she DID it! :) :)
We came home and cleaned up and relaxed the rest of the afternoon! Tyler and I bought this really cool 1,000 piece puzzle to do together as a type of 'team building' time for us! BOY, it has been a long time since I have put a puzzle together! is going to take us awhile!! Whew!!.....
Sunday fun day! We loaded up and headed to church! Alexis got her doll all dressed up and was super cute! We had lunch with Nan, Brandi and Pawpaw at Solid Rock after! That place is so good!! :)
LILY....OH Lily!! She wanted to bring her doll since Alexis was bringing hers! She put a bathing suit on her doll......with pantyhose and dress shoes!!! OH ME! Needless to say...I didnt let her carry her doll into Church! :)

Friday, February 19, 2016

Daddy/Daughter Dance~2016!

Tonight was the Daddy/Daughter dance!

Tyler and Alexis look forward to this dance every year!

Today was a beautiful weathered warmer..perfect day for the dance!!

They had so much fun dancing and Alexis loved seeing and being with her friends!

Lily and I enjoyed a date night of our own with Alison Adams, and the Fritts {Callie and Carrie} eating dinner while the Daddies and daughters were dancing away!

Two grown up girls!
So sweet!
Love them!
Daddy and his daughters! Next year Daddy will have two dates for the dance! I will be all by myself :(
My girls!
Ready to dance!
Throwback to last year! Alexis has really grown since last year for the dance!
Lily and I on our way to our fun night!
Sara Kate, Carli and Lex in the photo booth!
These two were SUPER excited to be eating together and having a fun night of their own!!
Two silly faces! :)

Thursday, February 18, 2016

The Spring blues

Once the rain stopped at the beginning of the week, Spring decided to start popping out!

Ahhh.....Spring, oh how I am ready for you!

I went to Wal-Mart this afternoon and to see all the Spring things being put out between the Easter decor and fun colored porch umbrellas, just put me in a happy place! :)

We have been in the same swing of things this week and before I realized it...tomorrow is Friday!

Things we have been up to this week...
On Monday...we floated away a little bit with a ton of rain so....Alexis was ready to stay dry...and keep her animal dry too! I looked back at her and just laughed! :)
On Tuesday we met Aunt Pam and Richard at Cooter Brown's since we havent seen them in awhile! It was nice catching up and hearing Richard talk about his new jet ski! Cant wait to try it out when the weather warms up!!
 These two have been sooooooo excited to be re-united again now that Lily is in her new class! These two together....whew, makes me tired! :)
Lily and Abby Grace! :)
This made me smile when I checked Lily's folder! I love seeing work from Alexis so when I saw this sweet note about made my day! :)   *wonderful day, Lily is such a joy to be around! :) :)
Alexis lately at school.......... Minecraft! She has been SO excited about this! She LOVES learning and doing things on the computer!
Her sweet class learning technology! :)
And also, her sweet class learning how to give back to the community! They put on a can drive and worked hard and look at all they collected and donated! Super proud of them!
Alexis and Lily received a package in the mail this week and were SO excited to find this sweet note and two fun stuffed animals that Blake and Margie got them from the San Diego Zoo when they went on their trip! It was SO sweet of them to think of the girls! What I loved seeing the note say 'The Murphy's!' :) :)
And today!...................... a top back and music up kind of afternoon! OOHHH so nice!