Friday, February 26, 2016

Frozen week

We are all excited in the city of Jacksonville....

the Dairy Queen opened this week!

It has been a MAD house there!

It is like no one has ever seen or eaten at one before. Craziness!

Even though I do like DQ and excited that it is here....

even though we already have 10,000 chicken finger places....  :)

We havent had anything 'big' happening this week besides that but to Alexis and Lily, that is all the excitement should be about! They love eating there and love that it is open!

The days are actually getting longer finally even though the coldness can go away! We are excited that softball and baseball begin next week so we are looking forward to that and before we know it, it will be time for the clocks to change!

Whoo hooo!!

I had a really sweet student surprise me with a DQ treat in honor of the Grand Opening and it was a nice surprise! OH YUM! :)
Look how cute she is! Her Spring pictures came in this week! :)
Such a model! :)
AND....I now have these two home and since it is Friday we are getting ready for a nice weekend! We are having a family movie night with The Minion movie and The Intern! Whoo hoo! :)

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