Friday, February 12, 2016

Feeling the love!

We have for sure been feeling the love and gearing up for Valentine's Day this week!

I have to admit that Valentine's Day is overrated and expensive. I feel that instead of celebrating love just one expensive day, you should do it daily by showing love, respect, and just general care daily to the ones you love!

But with that being said...I do love hearts and 'true love' and any chance to decorate! :)

Lily was SO excited about doing her cards to her friends! She did SO good writing her name and their names on the cards!
Alexis worked really hard on hers! She made sure to pick out the perfect card that she thought each of her friends would like most and wrote their names on them!
My sweeties!
Love! :)
OOH MY!...She is just toooo grown!
She had her party yesterday and had so much fun!
My heart! :)
She did a great job making her card holder at school!
Look at all of this stash she brought home! She loved reading them all!
I mean really! TOOOO grown! :)
This picture is perfection of them! Alexis....little miss sassy and Lily acting all 'innocent!' {notice I said acting!} :)
My little grown girl!
AHHH!!! I love this picture of her!
She was so excited about taking her cards and having her party today! She asked every single day when it was time for her party!
And she climbed up on the counter when she got home and had me read all of her cards to her! She was even more excited about the surprise card from LaLa that she got in the mail!

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