Thursday, February 18, 2016

The Spring blues

Once the rain stopped at the beginning of the week, Spring decided to start popping out!

Ahhh.....Spring, oh how I am ready for you!

I went to Wal-Mart this afternoon and to see all the Spring things being put out between the Easter decor and fun colored porch umbrellas, just put me in a happy place! :)

We have been in the same swing of things this week and before I realized it...tomorrow is Friday!

Things we have been up to this week...
On Monday...we floated away a little bit with a ton of rain so....Alexis was ready to stay dry...and keep her animal dry too! I looked back at her and just laughed! :)
On Tuesday we met Aunt Pam and Richard at Cooter Brown's since we havent seen them in awhile! It was nice catching up and hearing Richard talk about his new jet ski! Cant wait to try it out when the weather warms up!!
 These two have been sooooooo excited to be re-united again now that Lily is in her new class! These two together....whew, makes me tired! :)
Lily and Abby Grace! :)
This made me smile when I checked Lily's folder! I love seeing work from Alexis so when I saw this sweet note about made my day! :)   *wonderful day, Lily is such a joy to be around! :) :)
Alexis lately at school.......... Minecraft! She has been SO excited about this! She LOVES learning and doing things on the computer!
Her sweet class learning technology! :)
And also, her sweet class learning how to give back to the community! They put on a can drive and worked hard and look at all they collected and donated! Super proud of them!
Alexis and Lily received a package in the mail this week and were SO excited to find this sweet note and two fun stuffed animals that Blake and Margie got them from the San Diego Zoo when they went on their trip! It was SO sweet of them to think of the girls! What I loved seeing the note say 'The Murphy's!' :) :)
And today!...................... a top back and music up kind of afternoon! OOHHH so nice!

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