Sunday, February 28, 2016

A beautiful weekend feeling the love!

We had the best weather this weekend!

I wish it would stay just like it was year around!

Upper 60's, lower 70's with nothing but blue skies!....


We made the most of the beautiful days by running errands, bike riding around the neighborhood, Tyler working in the yard, soccer games, church and bridal showers!

Ahh....such a beautiful day so we went for a bike ride!...well, I went for a walk because Lily needs me to help her get up some hills, etc! :) It was a great bike ride until Alexis decided to run her bike into the sewer drain and then because of that, falling and crying {but she was okay} only for her to realize that her stuffed animal {that is pictured in her basket that she wanted to bring to take on her ride} fell down said sewer drain when we got back home about 20 minutes later. Sooo.....luckily we went back to this sewer drain up the street and thankfully I was able to get it. AND...thankfully it wasnt wet! It fell on the little part right above the nastiness! ha! Whew! :) All is well now with Alexis and the stuffed animal! :)
We decided on a spur of the moment decision to head to the JSU vs Troy soccer game! Troy was good!! needless to say, JSU didnt win but we still had a great time watching! We enjoyed Baja Grill after to round out our afternoon!
Lily enjoyed doing this the entire time instead of watching the game. She is SO quick and LOVED kicking the ball around!
Daddy decided to join in on this game since JSU was loosing their game! :)
Dirty knees and all having a great day!
This chick was using her hands to see the game better! Very inventive! :)
Church this morning with this girl. She asked me to fix her hair 'fancy' I did! :)
Too big for her britches! :)
Little Miss Priss! :)
So sweet! :)
This afternoon we had Linda and Brandon's bridal shower! There was a ton of food and Linda got a lot of great gifts!
I loved their new sign Pam had made! It was so cute!
Congrats to Linda and Brandon! So happy for you two! :)
Tyler ended up bringing Alexis and Lily up to the shower right at the end and the girls were SO excited to see everyone!
This girl is SO loved!
More love!
And even more! :) :)

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