Sunday, February 14, 2016

OOhhh hearts!

Today is Valentine's Day!

I couldnt ask for my heart to be any fuller! It is literally bursting. Tyler, Alexis and Lily have it all! :)

We have had a low key weekend with just staying warm and relaxing! It has been nice!

Saturday morning fun of having a 'talent show!' Alexis was playing songs for Lily and Lily was dressed head to toe......and singing and dancing! ha! It was something of a performance!
I spy two girls!..... after we enjoyed Mata's, we let the girls burn off some energy at Burger King since it was such a cold day! They didnt want to leave!
This morning we had a fashion show! These dresses crack me up because when we were Atlanta with Meg, while Alexis was busy with Carli's birthday party, we didnt have anything to, we went shopping and found these crazy dresses! What was SO funny was there were dresses like this in anything that you could imagine. A dress with popcorn all of it, unicorns, hot air name it! SO, I got these dresses for the girls thinking that when they are like 16 years old that they will be SOOOO embarrassed that I bought them matching heart candy dresses to wear! ha! Meg and I had a ball thinking of when that day will come!..........and OH, that day will come and it is going to be hilarious! :) :)
THIS girl!.....every pose............was her idea! ha!
How can you ever be angry with a face like this!...............and that face wearing a dress like this!?!?
And...this girl! She didnt want to EVER take the dress off she said! She loved it! ha!
OH my heart! :)
OH my full heart! :)
Alexis grabbed my camera and wanted to take a picture before Church! This one didnt turn out good....
Sooooo she HAD to take another! This one is a little better! :) We enjoyed lunch with Nan, Pawpaw and Brandi before coming home to catch up on laundry and chores! SO fun right!
My little Church girl in pink! Oh appropriate that she wore her Princess and Prince Charming dress on Valentine's Day!
My big girl! I gave her a mini haircut today and she said she was smiling super big in this picture because she loves her new cut! {Huge Mommy points for me!} :) :)  I just couldnt take her hair being soooo long that it was getting in her food! When the hair starts getting in your food because it is soooo long, it is time for a cut! :)
The other week, we had a Valentines photo shoot! Here are some of the best ones! :)
So sweet!
Little stinker! :)
Sweet sisters!
Crazy sisters! :)
My favorite!!

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