Thursday, February 4, 2016

A baby, the number 100 and a 'big girl' class!

Life lately...

What does a baby, the number 100 and a 'big girl' class have in common?....

this week!

It has been a week of randomness for sure but hey, at least the Ground Hog said that Spring is right around the corner this week!
Alexis and her class celebrated the 100th day of school this week! They celebrated all day and made this 100 cereal piece necklace! eat and enjoy throughout the day!
Alexis and her 2nd grade class! :)
AND.....this little girl was SUPER excited that she is now moved up to the 'big girl' class as she calls it! This is the last 'class' before she heads to Kittystone! Sad she wont be starting Kindergarten this year but hopefully she will be in the 4K program!! She went right in and opened the toy cabinet and said now she gets to play with all the really FUN toys! ha!
She is also excited that because she is now in this class, she can participate in 'Crosswalk' on Wednesdays with is their Church's Wednesday Kids Program. Alexis loves it on Wednesdays....and now Lily is SO excited that she gets to!
Look who I got to see this week! Kristi has brought her up to work several times since she has been born...but I finally got to get a picture with her! She is FOR SURE Don's daughter! They are twins...except Collins has hair! :)
I surprised Alexis at school and had lunch with her this week! The look on her face when she walked in the cafeteria and saw me was priceless! I enjoy seeing her in school and seeing her interacting with her sweet friends! I miss not getting to go up there as much as I did last year when she was in 1st grade!

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