Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Some thoughts on Wordless Wednesday

Instead of doing Wordless Wednesday, I wanted to share some thoughts from my Bible Study group last night.

I have really really enjoyed doing this study every Tuesday night and I feel like it has opened my eyes a lot.

Last night was a very powerful message that I just wanted to jot down some of my thoughts on it for my own future reference.....

So here goes....

We all are broken, messed up, sinful people living in a broken, messed up, sinful world. No matter how 'good' we think we are or how much money we think we have or need to have that keeps us from having 'problems' no one is 'safe' from sad or bad things happening to them in their life. No one has a 'free pass.' Because of the fallen world that we live in, everyone will experience the consequences of  this fallen world at some point in their lives. It just cant be avoided.

When those 'consequences' do happen, we as humans, tend to want to rely on ourselves to try and 'fix' the problems and want to turn way from God by saying 'God, why did you do this to me, what have I done to deserve this?' 'We want to 'hate' God for what we think he has done to us.'

During the time of relying on ourselves and not relying on God, we should open our hearts and know God is the one that we should rely on.

My plans for you are good-- God.

God will always be there, put hope in Him. John 16:33.

We go through difficult times so that we might learn to rely on God and not ourselves. 2 Corinthians 1:8-9.

Sometimes when God is silent, he is still present but is wanting us to exercise our faith.  Exercising our faith by praying to him: God, I need something. I dont even know what I need, but I need to know that you're here. That YOU have a plan because I can not see that plan. That YOU are moving the unseen.

If I ever get to a point in life that makes my ever being tremble, I will work through this tremble with the help of the one who saved me. God.

Psalm 22:
Remind yourself who God is.
Review God's faithfulness.
Recall who we are.
Evaluate other options.
Wait. Hold on.
Anticipate God's renewed presence.
Even in your darkest times: If God were going to abandon you, He never would have sent His Son.
If God were going to abandon you, Jesus never would have gone to the cross.
Hold on.

God's sovereignty means that whatever trouble or fear you are facing, whatever makes you tremble inside, God is able to....
work it out
bring it under control
sustain you through it.

God put tears in you for a reason. For those tears to be used when needed to help you release your pain and to find comfort.

I AM the God of all comfort.

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