Sunday, March 27, 2016

Easter 2016

What a weekend..........rainy... one that I really could have passed it right on by.....


what a day the Lord has made. Let us rejoice and be glad in it.

Simple as that.

Life throws curve balls....

Like I have said before, we are broken sinful messed up people living in a broken, sinful, messed up world.


Oh what a day that the Lord has made. He was resurrected from the tomb for me and you!

OH what a day! Thank you Lord for dying for me, for washing my sins away, for blessing me.

Please help me Lord to always follow the path you have chosen for me and to live in your light.

I am trying...


I wanted to share this sweet throwback picture that Pam posted. It was all of Pawpaw's grand kids on his last Easter with us! I dont remember this.....which makes me sad....but apparently Pawpaw loved to ride us around in this!! I love how he is looking back smiling at us!
Easter 2016 wouldnt be complete without decorating eggs!! :) They made tie-dyed eggs with glitter on them! Super cute!
Final products! :)
They took a picture in front of the new tree Daddy planted in the back yard! We love its blooms!
Gran and the Easter baskets!
The Lily bunny and the Easter chick!
The kids had fun playing Shopkins 'trouble' Lily...on the other hand....didnt really understand how to play! She is a mess!
Lily and Alexis got a kite from Gran and Ben and Meg helped Lily get it going!
That girl is soooooooo fast! She ran around and around flying her kite!
Then it was time to hide and find the Easter eggs! They all took turns hiding them and then finding them several times!
Never a dull moment with these chicks! :) Mal and I match too! Great minds think alike! Easter Sunday! My two Easter chic....girls :)
She is growing up WAY tooooo fast!
Love this little girl!
AND...LOOK, throwback...Circa Easter 2011! Alexis' Easter dress from 2011 was Lily's dress this year! ha! I love seeing the difference with them!
 I thought I would throw this picture in since it was the same year! Look how young we all were! I had a bun in the oven.......aka, Lily........during this Easter! :)
We headed to Nan and Pawpaws for Easter lunch after our Church service and the girls opened their Easter baskets.
Brandi and the girls!
Family picture...Easter~2016

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