Friday, March 4, 2016

Flipping...flopping...and hopping!

This week has been filled with flipping, flopping and hopping!

We have for sure been 'on the go' this week and whew, Im glad today is Friday!

Alexis had 'Reading Across America' week at school so she got to dress up everyday! was right up her alley!
Monday was....70's day! Hippie she was! :)  Peace! :)
Tuesday was 'Green Day' because they read 'Green Eggs and Ham' by Dr. Seuss!
On Tuesday also, I did my Civic Duty and voted! It is important that  we all do our part for our country!
Also on Tuesday, Lily decided that she no longer needed 'blankie and Giraffe-e!' She hasnt asked about either one of them {as far as wanting to have them to sleep with} this whole week! I am super proud of her and it is now even more official that she is a 'big girl!' {insert tears here} :)
Wednesday was 'Wacky Wednesday' and Alexis was dressed 'wacky' for sure! What cracked me up was how she walked in her two different style boots!
Pawpaw and Nan came to her school that day and Pawpaw read to the class. Alexis was SO happy he read to her and her friends!
Also on Wednesday Alexis and Lily were invited by Alexis Johnson and Carli Fritts to have a 'bring a friend to gym class' day. Lily was SOOOO excited about this! Look at her excited face! :)
There was a big crowd. Lily loved :)
Look at her working hard! :) :) I made a video of one of the instructors helping her do her cartwheel...and it is hilarious!
Thursday was 'wacky socks' day! Alexis loved this day too! :)
On this day too, the girls got their ballet costumes since pictures are Sunday. They are SOOO cute and I cant wait to see them dance in them during the recital in May!
Today is 'Travel around the world' day and they were supposed to wear shirts/outfits from somewhere they have traveled so Alexis wore her Lake Tahoe shirt from our fabulous trip!
And, she wanted to hold this the picture....of her and Daddy during the Daddy/Daughter Dance!
Also, I have been 'flopped!' With a sinus infection coming on, I am glad it is Friday! Gran and Ben picked up Lily and Alexis from school and have them at a movie so Tyler and I are relaxing at home catching up on our DVR and me also trying to keep this sinus infection from getting worse! :) Ahh.. is a great picture of them and they had a great night!
And...on a side note...I am still loving my flowers that Tyler got me for Valentine's Day! I cant believe that have lasted as long as they have! For these to by 'Grub Mart flowers'....they have been the best and longest lasting ones I have had! :)

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