Saturday, March 26, 2016

Spring break~Part 2!

Soo...we are now at the end of our Spring break week and my goodness, it has flown.

I had hoped it wouldnt.........but knew it would like always!

Thursday was a drizzly kind of day so we didnt do much except head to ballet class and then we had dinner in Oxford before heading home. We did some shopping and headed to see the Easter Bunny for that 'must have' picture of the girls with the good ole bunny!


THIS picture!  We get up to the bunny and Lily starts walking over back to me and Tyler saying that she does NOT want to go up to him. Well, I ask her why and she said that he was creepy and she didnt want to. Well, Alexis kept walking up to him...........and Lily really has to do everything that she does so all of a sudden I see her start walking up there with Alexis. Well the whole time all she gave me was the LOOK! ha! The LOOK of 'I want nothing to do with this stuffed bunny!' :) :)
She was ALL smiles after she was off his lap and away from him! She loved the bunny ears though! :)
Friday was a beautiful day and since it was our last week day of Spring break, I told the girls that we would do whatever they requested! Daddy was working on a yard so it was just us girls! The first stop was the park. They played and played and played there for hours! There were several friends that popped in and out while we were there so they had friends to play with and had the best time!
Alexis has gotten really GOOD at doing this!!
Lily wanted to try! :)
My two little helpers! They requested a picnic and it was perfect! We sat by the creek and enjoyed the afternoon! LOVED it!
So fun! :)
Enjoying a Popsicle! {and the best part was they are veggie Popsicles!........and they are GOOD and the girls love them!} SCORE! :)
This little sassy girl!
After we were done with the park....I had to run to walmart real quick and after that they requested to ride their bikes!
Love this sweet little girl!
Soooo.....they rode...and rode in one BIG parking lot! They had it to themselves and loved it!
They were cracking me up because they were pretending to drive to Walmart...and target...and the Mall. They would park their bikes and get off and pretend to go in and shop and them come out and ride off and then 'drive' to the next store!
After that....we came home and they jumped and swang and played with Tickles until it was time to come in and have a bath!
Daddy came home and they went back out for a little bit and rode their scooters before coming in and crashing!!
I would say our Spring break was a hit!

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