Wednesday, August 31, 2016

Saturday, August 27, 2016

Football TIME has come!!


Summer is for sure ending....


FOOTBALL season is HERE!

I love football season and ready for it to get going!

It is FRIDAY!!! AND, Screaming Eagle Pep Rally day.......and this little cutie isnt a screaming Eagle but she sure does think she she is! :) :)
This screaming Eagle was SOOOO pumped for it to be the 1st football game day and to get to go to the High School Pep Rally too!
Perfect afternoon for some Friday night lights!
Go Eagles!!
HUGE game! 1st home game and we played Alexandria! WHAT a GREAT game! And, us Eagles WON! Whoo hoo!!
Check out that scoreboard!!
And today marked this little Eagles Jamboree game!!
Bestest of friends!
 Some of the crew ready to go! Love them all! The girls and the boys did awesome today! We beat Ashville! Whoo hooo!!
 Trying to beat the heat during water break! :)
They DID awesome!!
Look at her up there! LOVE! :)
The littlest of Eagles with Ben! :)
Whew, after game refuel was much needed!

Wednesday, August 24, 2016

Wordless Wednesday!

{the sunsets were unbelievably beautiful!}

Tuesday, August 23, 2016

Last days in San Diego!

So we woke up on Friday morning with Meg with us now!

She got to their house super late like we did Thursday night {on top of them loosing her luggage!} so she went straight to bed too!
So Friday we hit the Cabrillo National Monument. It was super cool to see the 'founding father of San Diego' and where they first stepped on the ground! It was also neat to see all of the Navy base things and helicopters and submarines going around. You could see Mexico from here and it was neat to see the 'shadows of Mexico!'
This was amazing! I have been to Arlington National Cementary in Washington before but this was just even more amazing. I would have loved to know how many there were. It went as far as you could see on all sides!
These had the perfect view directly looking over the ocean. We all said that all of these people must have really done something special to get to have these spots!!
Just beautiful!
We also headed to downtown San Diego because Margie had a meeting with her boss. So us three hit the shops  and had a great time hanging out with each other and exploring and eating lunch. I laughed so hard with these two!! Super fun!
After Margie was done, we left and headed to Imperial Beach for a farmers market. The market was a bust but this place was soooo pretty!
Us girls!
We walked out onto the HUGE boardwalk they just kept going and going! the Mexico!
After that, we hit Belmont park. From the top of the roller coaster you could see the ocean and waves. It was like you were on the coaster over the water! It was SO fun but BOY it was a rough wooden fast coaster! Whew!
Ready to go! I made the announcement that 'Whoever is the first to put their hands down is a big weenie!' WELL....needless to say, that was me! Next was Margie, then Meg! Mallory kept her hands up the WHOLE time! I dont know how she did it! She said she doesnt know how she did it either!
After this we came back to their house and cleaned up and met Blake for us to go eat dinner! Pacific Beach has a huge boardwalk that people walk, bike, roller skate on and it was super fun to people watch while we were waiting on our food!
Our crew for dinner!
After dinner we hit this GREAT gem! To say my cookie and ice cream sandwich was bigger than my hand is an understatement! It was huge and SO good!
Saturday morning I woke up to this picture from Tyler!! Alexis lost a tooth while I was gone! To top it all off, Tyler pulled it!!! I think he was super proud of himself because he hasnt pulled on of hers. He has only wanted me to do it! :)
We decided  to conquer THIS on our last day! It doesnt look that painful...............just looking at it was not bad....until we did it! OH ME!
Ready to go! We had NO idea what we were in for!!
This was soooooooo painful! :) The hike was STRAIGHT up this mountain! No flat area...just straight up hills!
It was tough......the higher we got, it was harder to breathe because of the elevation {not the heat because remember no humidity so it wasnt terribly hot} During this picture...I was just glad my legs hadnt fallen off and that I wasnt passed out on the ground! :) :) :)
The view was unbelievable!!
AND I DID IT! WHOOO HOO!! So worth it once we made it to the top! Me and Potato Chip Rock! :)
LOVE! :) :)
We all were dying for food after our 4 hour hike {it was just as bad going down as it was going up because we were going straight down!!} so we went to IN & OUT Burger! {Remember last time I went to Cali, I had it, well I had to HAVE it again! YUM!} before hitting the beach for the rest of the afternoon! It was great! Toes in the sand and breeze in my face!
That night we did this!
On the bay they have these fire pits set up {we made our own} and you can sit around and do smores. Then at 10 pm, they had the best fireworks! It was the best thing to cap off our fun trip!
{I have always seen on movies, etc that people do bonfires on the beach and always thought they were crazy....because they were on the beach and it had to be HOTTTT there and so WHY would they want to be on a beach with a fire!?!!?!?! Well, it gets actually chilly at night and it was just the perfect weather for a bonfire!} :)
Sunday morning we headed back home! We had to connect in Las Vegas so we thought we were cool to be in Vegas...............even though it was only for an hour! haha!

San Diego 2016!

Whew, I am back in the real world and I am trying my best to play catch up!

This week is the 1st week that students are back so between trying to recover from the trip, catch up on home stuff and my crazy work schedule, Im tired! :)

I had the best trip with my best cousins! The trip came at a perfect time and we all made a ton of memories that will last forever!
Here are our full days 1 & 2!
I headed to Birmingham to catch our flight on Tuesday night after work with Mal. We were SOOOO excited to hit the trip!
We got to Cali at around midnight their time {which meant 2:00am our time!!} So, needless to say we went straight to bed when we got there!
Our first full day was Wednesday! We were up and ready to explore! Margie got us all hooked on Aqci bowls {which are amazing and delicious and healthy} so we went to the cutest little surfer nook and had breakfast before heading out to shop and tour around!
This was my view! Margie got the cutest little mini cooper and we had the top back and it was great!
My views!
I LOVED all of the 'Palm tree rows!!'
We set out to see all the beaches. It was neat to see how each beach looked different. Some beaches had black sand...some grey sand...some sandy white sand. Some were more rocky....and some had huge waves. It was cool! Here we are at Mission Bay beach that literally was about 8 blocks from their house! YES!
After we did some shopping and touring and a fun lunch we went and saw Blake at this work! LOOK at this handsome man that I get to call my cousin! He looks so fancy! :) His company is literally in the nicest area called La Jolla. Right across the street from where we are in this picture is a beautiful old vintage hotel {and just so happens to be where the Kardashians like to have brunch! :)
This view is right down the street from where Blake works! I wouldnt be able to work if I were him! :)
This view is down from him too! There were seals everywhere!! Out on the island in this picture, was where they all liked to sit!
We headed to this little spot and I thought it was a shop to just look at stuff. Well, it wasnt just a shop! They had a door and stairs that led to an actual cave! It was dark and wet and kind of scary but it was super neat! We went down 142 big wooden planked stairs to get to the bottom! Blake did it in his suit! :)
We made it to the bottom and to look out was amazing!
We went back to their place and then we back out on another adventure! Blake was skipping rocks!
And, this is their home! Look how sweet! They had NO air conditioning {which I thought was crazy} however, it is crazy to me how there is no humidity there. I went the whole time without sweating! Now, it was warmer in their house without air conditioning but they opened the windows and had fans so as crazy as it seems, it was fine!
I joked with them the whole trip that I could never live there because 1. You have to park everywhere on the curbs. There is no parking lots and the homes barely fit one car. 2. When you park on the curbs, you have to park SUPER SUPER close to the car in front of you. 3. There is no just pulling into a spot. Literally every time, there was a parallel maneuver that had to be done 4. If you didnt park 'correctly' people would literally put trash on top of your car as a 'You better park correctly the next time!!!" SOOOOO....with all of that being said....NOPE, couldnt do it! :) :)
We hit the beach after our full day and Mal and Blake did some surfing! It was so neat to watch them as I was soaking up the sun....with no sweat! :) {FYI, the ocean water was ICE cold! It was freezing because Blake said it was from the Atlantic current??!!} sooooo, I didnt get in it! :)
Look how good he has gotten!!!
On Day 2, Mal, Margie and I headed to Old Town while Blake worked and Meg hadnt gotten there yet. It was a neat little area with all the founding buildings of the area!
The Bank!
The circle of the town
The hotel! I could just picture how it was during this time era! Loved this and the shops and the fun lunch!
They had trolleys everywhere! Super cute!

Once we were done with Old Town, we headed back to their house and Blake cooked out for us and enjoyed the rest of the night relaxing and hitting the bed early because we were all exhausted. It was another perfect!