Monday, August 1, 2016

Six Flags and lemonade weekend!


the girls have one weekend left before school starts!

We have been gearing up for it by trying to pack in some fun and getting school supplies!:)

We had a low key Saturday where we actually didnt even go anywhere!....well except to eat breakfast at our local normal Saturday morning stop {Jacks} followed by the usual Wal-Mart trip. I dont count doing those two things as 'going anywhere and doing anything' because that is just a common staple on the weekends! :)

Saturday we stayed in and the girls played outside and enjoyed the beautiful day until the thunder started rolling in.

They had to close up their Lemonade Shop when the storm starting coming so we headed to the basement to have 'family movie night'...per Alexis {even though it ended up being actually 'family movie afternoon} :) by watching Zootopia! {What a cute movie with a great story line!}

The girls did some sidewalk drawing for awhile!
And.....of course.....jumped on the trampoline and did the swings!
Then they decided to have a Lemonade stand! So....they made their own Lemonade!
Lily HAD to have the Pink Lemonade! Notice on her sign...she had to be sure to put Pink! :)
And, Alexis HAD to have regular Lemonade! :) she put Yellow Lemonade on her sign!
 They are open for business! They had 3 customers {not counting Tyler and I!} Their very first customer was our neighbor, Mr. Ted. Well, he gave Alexis a dollar and only got two cups of lemonade {one from each girl} well......Alexis didnt want to give him his change! OH me! So, she kept the dollar {and gave Lily her portion!}
 As the storm rolled through....we watched the movie! This was my view! Lily in my lap and Alexis intently watching the movie! :) :)
 Then the battle of basketball! Look at each of their throws! Lily was SO good! She has the stance and the throw down! She shot with one hand and everything! Look at Alexis....yes.......GIRLY girl! :) She threw with both hands....just like a girl! :)
 We had our fun day Sunday at Six Flags! We brought Alexis' friend Caroline along with us! We had a great day....until the storms came through and we were stranded under a little umbrella table for 2 hours waiting on the rain to stop. We ended up heading home once the rain finally slacked because  the storm wasnt going to end. We didnt get to ride everything we wanted, but we still had fun on the things we did! We capped off the afternoon by eating at Los Mex before heading that was a win! :)
 There was a sign that said 'Make your most SCARY face and we will take your picture' Well....this was theirs right before we rode Monster Plantation! :)
 These two didnt want to ride Splash Waterfalls.................but I sort of tricked them into riding it! I told them that they were not allowed to stand on the other side {like they did for some of the rollercoasters that they didnt want to ride} so they rode it...........AND LOVED IT! They both were like....that was SOOOO fun! Im soooo glad I rode it! :) See....I knew that they would! Here they were trying to get wet again as the other rides came down! :)
 We rode Thunder Mountain and it was sooo much fun! Alexis and Tyler got the most wet!!! :)
This picture is PRICELESS! Look at Alexis' face! That is PURE happiness and excitement! Tyler said she bumped the bottom track the whole way around! haha! She and Caroline thought they were SOOO big getting to drive by themselves!
 And! is this little one's last week at Kids 1st before she goes off to 'big girl school' She is little miss SASSY pants and ready to go to 'school!' :)

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