Sunday, August 7, 2016

'The last weekend' and Law Reunion!

Where has the Summer gone?

This Summer has for sure flown by. It has been a whirlwind! It already feels like all of our fun vacations, etc that we have been on seems like decades ago.

This week marks a big week with meeting teachers and starting school!

Oh me!

We have had a great 'last weekend!' 

We capped off the weekend with the Summer Camp fun pool party and cook-out! It ended up being a perfect afternoon {as far as heat wise} to actually sit out and enjoy watching the girls swim! The last pool party we went to {with our Church} we were miserably hot!!

We got up bright and early and ready to take Alexis to Carmen's birthday party! This crew headed to 'Tigers for Tomorrow' in Attala and enjoyed the afternoon looking at huge bears, tigers, wolves, etc! Alexis had a blast...especially while being with her friends!
Meanwhile...this chick had to hang out with Mommy and Daddy while Alexis was gone. Sooo....that meant...she got candy at the store!...exactly what she wanted to pick out, she got! :)
And then at the second stop....she got to push her own buggy! Do you see how excited she is to have a buggy?!?! IT is the little things! :) :)
And...then making her work for food! :) She thought that she was sooo big to push her cart up...unload it............except............she didnt pay for it! {That is what we need to work on!} :)
Then once we got home....she did some of this! She pulled out and lined up all of her stuffed animals and played 'Dr. Lily!' She gave them all shots, checked their ears, etc. On her winnie dog, she performed surgery because it had a hot dog stuck in its belly {per her!} :)
And...she did some of this too! This cat LOVES him some Lily! FYI, he was passed out asleep like this in her lap!!!!! {And...she is watching a movie!...her choice since Alexis was gone!} :)
Then once we got this one back....we hit the parking lot for a bike ride!
Look at this concentration!
They LOVE to go and ride in the JSU parking lot! Here they were playing 'Policeman' where Alexis was the police....and {as you can see in the picture} Lily is running from the police! hahaha!! Alexis turned around and starting yelling...stop, this is the police...............and Lily goes, 'What did I do policeman!?! I didnt do 'nuthin'! {nothing} :) :)
And today we had Church followed by the Law Reunion! We look forward to this every year! Every year there is always a great turn-out!
The 'cool table' :)
The FOOD table! YUM! Look at all of that food! Nan helped set it all up!
Lily loves her Pawpaw! And Minnie {Ted's sister} looks great as usual!
Look at the crowd! There was a great showing of Law's! :)

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