Saturday, August 27, 2016

Football TIME has come!!


Summer is for sure ending....


FOOTBALL season is HERE!

I love football season and ready for it to get going!

It is FRIDAY!!! AND, Screaming Eagle Pep Rally day.......and this little cutie isnt a screaming Eagle but she sure does think she she is! :) :)
This screaming Eagle was SOOOO pumped for it to be the 1st football game day and to get to go to the High School Pep Rally too!
Perfect afternoon for some Friday night lights!
Go Eagles!!
HUGE game! 1st home game and we played Alexandria! WHAT a GREAT game! And, us Eagles WON! Whoo hoo!!
Check out that scoreboard!!
And today marked this little Eagles Jamboree game!!
Bestest of friends!
 Some of the crew ready to go! Love them all! The girls and the boys did awesome today! We beat Ashville! Whoo hooo!!
 Trying to beat the heat during water break! :)
They DID awesome!!
Look at her up there! LOVE! :)
The littlest of Eagles with Ben! :)
Whew, after game refuel was much needed!

1 comment:

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