Friday, August 5, 2016

Through those doors...

This was a BIG week....

This is the last week of Summer break {insert sadness here}...which means the last full week of Summer Camp for Alexis {she still has 2 days next week since 3rd grade starts Wednesday!}


the last week for Lily to walk through the doors of Kids 1st.

Yep, it is official...

she is done with pre-school!

Just like that!....done....and growing up! {Insert more sadness here!} :)

The girls got their letters in the mail this week and they were SOOOO excited to rip them open and see who they got for their teacher!
Alexis got Mrs. Wilson. She wasnt too happy about this...just because she doesnt know her but I have spoken with several friends who their children had her and they said nothing but great things about her so I am excited about Alexis having her and having a great 3rd grade year!
Lily was SOOOO excited to see who her teacher is going to be also! She will have Mrs. Bowman. She is new this year so we are excited to meet her this coming week during Orientation! This little chick is SUPER excited about starting 'big girl' school!! :)

TODAY....was the last day....ever...that she will walk trough the Kids 1st door! She has such a great experience at Kids 1st and learned so much. I am so thankful that she has had such a great experience and that all of the teachers have loved her like their own! We are going to miss everyone {including some of her friends that are staying behind} but looking forward to new experiences and places too! :)
She wanted me to take another picture of her walking through this door too! She said...'Mommy, this is my last time to walk through this door too!'
Summer Camp had a fun pool party tonight to celebrate the new school year starting and so the girls LOVED getting some swimming fun in!
Alexis has had SUCH a GREAT time at the Community Center during Summer Camp this Summer! She has met soooo many new friends that not only go to Kittystone, but other county schools too! I have loved that she has had such a great experience there!
This is Sadie! Alexis says that Sadie is her 'very best friend!' OH me! :) Sadie goes to Alexandria! :)
Lily taking a break from swimming to eat a grilled hot dog and get a sip! :) Such a fun afternoon to lead into the last weekend before school starts! Where has the Summer gone!?!?!

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