Sunday, August 14, 2016



Can I say what a whirlwind of a week!

We are back in the groove again and boy, we are rolling!...

Dance, cheer, school, work, math tutoring, Olympics, a birthday party, a trip to the doctor, a trip to the hospital, an impromptu spend the night with Lana and Church. I really dont think I could have fit anything else into this week!

Ballet has started back this week for the girls and to say that they are excited is an understatement! They LOVE taking dance! Alexis started Jazz this time around too and she says it is her favorite now and loves that she can 'shake her booty' doing Jazz! OH MEEEE! :)

Lily had to go to her pediatrician because a spot/bump on her leg came up and turned ugly fast. Luckily with some antibiotics and antibiotic cream it is getting better!

Alexis had Caroline's 8th birthday party Friday night and it was a hit! Leyla {Caroline's Mom} loaded up Carli, Sara Kate, Caroline, Alexis, Kylie and Savannah and took them to Ross Bridge Resort in Birmingham to spend the night and swim and just have fun! Alexis ended up taking a long nap Saturday afternoon when she got home because she was worn out!

I ended up spending the night with Lana Friday night and got to enjoy dinner and catch up with her and Vic since things have been so crazy busy lately! Saturday I headed to the hospital to check on Ben since he is there. Prayer warriors, lift those prayers high for Ben to recover fast and push through this phase he is dealing with!

And...whew, today is Sunday and Tyler and I are now enjoying more of the Olympics since we have been keeping up with it this week as we have been able to. I love the Summer Olympics. It is my favorite. I love the gymnastics..Simone Biles is amazing. I have loved the swimming. Michael Phelps is amazing and it has been so cool to see him when so many golds during his last go at the games!

The girls have had a great 1st week of school and just love their teachers and that they have started back. There has been ups and downs this week, but overall, there is always something to be thankful for and I am thankful this week is done, and thankful that we made it through and thankful that we are able to have another week that will be great!

Lily loves her new teacher Mrs. Bowman!
It is Friday! It is her 2nd day of school even though it is the last of the week but she is ready and SO excited!
Great week at school!
After Church today we had lunch with Nan, Pawpaw and Brandi. We came home and the girls played some and Alexis caught up on her skills a little bit! She has such a natural talent with playing!
Now, we are resting some and gearing up for yet another busy week before Alexis heads to her 1st round of Math tutoring again. Alexis loves Mrs. Weathers {Mrs. Aimee} over the Summer so she is continuing to do tutoring with her over the year. I am looking forward to her improving with Math and understanding that Math can be fun and not scary! :)
Im excited because in the midst of all the craziness and before my 'kiddos' {college students} start back the next week, I am heading to California with Meg and Mal to see Margie and Blake! I am SOO excited to say the least to go visit them and see the sights of California! :)

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