Thursday, August 11, 2016

She was ready to roll and she rolled!

Lily asked this morning if it was 'her day!'

What she meant by that was....

was it her to day to have her pictures 'only' with the 'sign' that has when she starts school!

I think she has been waiting for this day for a looong time!

She had such a great day today and just

So, officially her turn to have pictures with the 'sign!' :)
She was ready to roll!
Such a sweetie!
My little one is ready to go off and conquer this big ole world too!
2nd day for Alexis! She had a great 1st day! She loves Mrs.! :)
Sweet girls!....that are growing up WAY tooooo fast!
Sisters! Alexis is a great big sister {even though yes, she does argue with Lily some :)} but she looks out for Lily and makes sure she is always okay! Today it was so sweet seeing how Alexis was taking care of Lily and helping her get to her new class with her new teacher! :)
And, they made it in! They were ready and so excited!

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