Tuesday, August 9, 2016

The energizer bunny meets her teachers!

So, the energizer bunny met her teachers today and she was SO excited!

Mrs. Bowman and Mrs. Waddell are super cute and sweet and I think Lily is going to have a great year with them!

I am SO excited she is starting 'big girl' school!!

Thursday will be her big day and she is SO excited for it to get here! :)

Alexis had her last day of Summer Camp today. More than half of the kids were missing due to all the other schools actually starting school today so it was just Kittystone kids there. Since it was just Kittystone, they got to enjoy another fun swim day so Alexis was pumped! She has had a blast at camp and Im thankful that she has!
And this little cutie met Mrs. Bowman and Mrs. Waddell! I hope they learn quickly that she is a ball of energy and are ready for her! :) I cant wait for her to grow this year and have a great experience with 'school!' :) :)

Tomorrow marks Alexis' first day of school!! Goodbye Summer! :(

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