Monday, April 1, 2019

3 things!

So, its that time...

one of my favorite posts I do!

3 things!

{Today is April FOOLS day! Alexis had a doctor's checkup and so Tyler and Lex had dinner together and Lily and I had a date night! She requested a pineapple 'bubble tea' and loved it for dinner! :)
1. OH this girl! I say it every.single.time. haha! She is just a stinker! ha! So, she came up to me the other day and started trying to pull at my chin. I asked her 'WHAT in the world are you doing?!!?' She then shows me what she was trying to she is demonstrating it on herself! She informed me that she has a 'butt chin!' and that I dont!.......and she wanted to know why she has one and why I dont since I am her Mom! bahaha! {So, a 'butt chin' is where you have a crease in your chin {that looks like a butt} when you squeeze your chin together!} Where she got this from...I have no idea!
But.......... she does, in fact, have a 'butt chin!' {OH me!} :)
Ask her about what she feels about people working at Dollar Tree! Yeah, she'll tell you 'Why would ANYYYYone want to work at Dollar Tree because they should know...everything is a dollar so they are NOT going to make a lot of money working there because it's all just ONE dollar!' {I just have to laugh at this one!} :)
How literal she is about how SMART she is...because she knows that lobsters pee from their face/eyes. Now, let me say, Tyler did not know this. I did not know this. We did not know this so we actually googled it.....and yep, she is correct. Lobsters DO pee from their faces.....and it is a form of communication for them. GET out of TOWN...I know right! bahaha! NEVER knew this. But.she.did.
And, she'll talk allllll about it!
Yep. I will leave that one with you to soak in! :)

2. She is a multiplication queen and she is only in the 1st grade! BOY...she is really good at math and she loves for me to call out a problem and she'll solve it!

3.She is such a literal person! What I mean by that. DONT...I mean DO NOT ask her about time. What I mean by that is....she will get on a kick and start getting mad as she just does not understand WHY someone decided that {for example} 7:05 is spoken as seven o five. She thinks whoever said it is seven  o five is just DUMB! She, in fact, KNOWS....and KNOWS she is correct as 7:05 is and SHOULD be said as seven zero five! So, when I ask her what time it is..... she'll say 'It's seven zero five o'clock. I have tried....and tried to explain to her that YES, it is a zero...........but when you are telling time....that you say O.
I have NO idea why someone decided that the zero should not be said as a zero as Lily is correct when she declares that zero is a NUMBER and O is a letter!
She's got me on this and I just have no way of winning her on this! :)

{So, Tyler and her went to Moe's per her request! They both could eat Moe's
He sent me this picture of her as she talked him into getting a 'homewrecker' which is a HUGE burrito! {yeah...she didnt eat it all!}} :)

1.So, this one! OH me! :) The other day.....I look over and she is just STARING at me! Like..a creepy stare! :) I asked her....WHY she is staring at me....and she then proceeds to tell me how I just DONT do my makeup correctly! :) How I need to use this...and do that...and stop doing this..and use this brush...and so on and so on and so on and so on and so on and soooooooo on. Yeah, my self confidence was downgraded, let me just say! Apparently I do nothing correct in the makeup department! But, dont you worry, I have a daughter that will {NO doubt} keep my in line and get me on track!

2. So, her first 'boyfriend' {so weird saying that word, I never used that word but it was a word that did 'title' them} is over. And...yet, she hasnt been phased! He.....on the other hand....was and has been heartbroken and poor thing, he really liked her. Oh, maybe their paths will cross again when they are older because he is such a sweetie and a good kid! She {on the other hand} is going to be breaking a lot of hearts in her future....I see it now!

3. Her words! OH my goodness....OH my! She kills me how she makes up her own words for items! FOR example the other week....she said 'Daddy look over there at that huge 'mowlawner!' We all just looked at each other and just made a very confused face until we realized she was talking about a lawnmower! BAHAHA! And....she has called a guitar.....a 'rockatar.' And....a great example, the other day I was talking about something...and she pipes into the conversation {she is good at that by the way} and says 'Momma, are you 'destromatized?' I look at her, and say...what word is that? That is not a word. So, her little stubborn self goes over to her IPAD and she hits SIRI and says the word to her! bahaha! I am dying laughing at this point especially when SIRI says 'I do not recognize that word!' So, she tries it three more times before Im like, see, it isnt a word! I then ask her if she means traumatized!?!? I could see the light bulb go off in her head at that exact moment! :) :) :)
There are MORE words...I just cant think of them all right now....but let me say, she has come up with some good ones! :) :)

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