Saturday, April 6, 2019

Our soccer star!

Soccer season is in....and OH, I love watching my soccer star!

She hustled her heart out today and even scored the only goal for her team. They didnt win their 1st game but here's to a great season!

We celebrated that we had made it through the 1st week back from Spring break at Baja with the Messers and the Rays so Madelyn came to spend the night with us! This morning they were up and ready for the soccer game!
 Our number 2 ready to GO!
 READY! :)
 She is on FIRE! She is just so fast and hustled the entire game! This was mine and Daddy's view of her playing her heart out! Gran, Ben, Nan, Pawpaw, Madelyn, Alexis and Brandi came to cheer her on! She had a big cheering section! :)
 I just love watching her!
 Getting past the other team to score!
 Look at all of those 'yellow' on her!....and she still managed to score!
 SCORE! So proud of her!
 She was soooo excited and proud of herself! :)
 Lily loved that Madelyn spent the day with us! We headed to House of Chen after for lunch then headed home to just relax and enjoy the beautiful day!
Alexis ended up, later on, spending the rest of the day at Willa Kate's house..just 'hanging' out and playing with her!
 So, I had a relaxing day at home...with some quiet time! :) While Daddy and Lily ended up having a fun afternoon together by taking the mini bike up to the land and riding and then finding clams and snails after Madelyn was dropped off at home!
Once everyone is back home......and bathed and fed...we'll root ON AUBURN in the Final 4 basketball game! Whoop whoooooop! :)

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